there's been a few people in my life that have made me think of "right place, wrong time".
i think the only thing that ever stopped him and i was he had too much on his plate,
we connected on every single level and talking always came easy to us.
it's odd how easy it was.
if things just happened to be a little further down in our timeline we could've been great and i think he knows it too.
he tells me that he misses me and that he thinks of me often and those words make my heart soar.
it makes me sad to know that he probably has other people he talks to so i try my best to convince myself that isn't the case and he's different but when you live so far away you can only tell yourself that for so long before you stop believing it.
i know deep down in my soul at some point it would've worked for us.
i'll hold out hope that one day i'll see you in the right place at the right time.

Behind My Eyes.
Poesiecome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...