for the first time in a very long time,
i feel great.
i don't know why this sudden change has happened and i don't want to question it and have it taken from me.
i weighed myself today which i almost never do because i hate the number that i see,
and can you imagine my surprise when i looked down and saw that i lost twenty pounds?
i don't know how or where it went because my body looks the same but my face looks slimmer and i know logically my face didn't lose that much.
since i've started being more open with my writing i've been feeling different too.
a great difference though.
i let go of weight on my shoulders that i wasn't even aware that i had on them.
almost every single one of my problems seems so small and minuscule now.
i can't picture myself being upset about things i used to lose sleep over on a regular basis.
i think most of it was all the weight i started carrying for him and the things we did but now that it's out there for everyone to know about i don't have this big secret i'm holding.
and i posted about the biggest tragedy in my life and that went well too so i don't have any more secrets.
you never realize how much of an effect those hold over you.
for the first time in such a long time...i don't hate who i've become.
after high school and after you left me and i didn't know who i was,
i spent so much time just trying to figure out who i was that i didn't realize i was so far from who i actually was.
how did i do that?
how did i let you mold me into someone i'm not?
i feel more like myself than i ever have,
and quite frankly i fucking love who she is.
and i did it all by myself.
without your opinion,
without your approval.
without anyone else helping me.
i did it all on my own and i'm so proud of myself.

Behind My Eyes.
Poetrycome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...