fairytale ending.

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i'd like to think that you and i were a "right place, wrong time" kind of thing.

i know that's wishful thinking and i know that you're not coming back and i've come to terms with that but it doesn't help the thoughts from creeping in once in a while.

we had such an insane connection and i know you felt it too.

you can't sit here and deny that to my face because your words always said otherwise.

from the day we met, i was drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

it's odd just how fast i fell for you.

i know what i felt was love and i've never felt that with anyone like that.

i love my friends and my family but it was different with you.

i know you didn't love me in that sense and i know you never will but it was like a drug.

being around you was my fix and i itched when you were gone.

i don't know if i'll ever feel that way again.

i remember the day i realized that i loved you.

it was a scary realization and i knew i couldn't even tell you that i loved you like that.

they make movies about falling in love with your best friend,

they write books about it too.

they always live happily ever after.

life isn't a book or a movie though.

why couldn't they make something realistic?

what happens when your best friend doesn't feel the same?

it's hell on earth.

it's the absolute worst feeling.

i hate that feeling.

i hope at some point down the road we'll reconcile and talk things out.

i hope i can get that fairytale ending someday.

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