i've spent so long trying:
to understand,
to make peace,
to breathe,
to sleep,
to eat,
to calm down,
to find myself.
i've never stopped trying, despite how it looks and what you might think.
i don't think i'll ever understand why.
and it's far too soon to try and make any sort of peace with it.
i have enormous weights on my chest.
i see you in every single one of my dreams and when i close my eyes.
i have absolutely no appetite.
i'm lost in the abyss of my own mind.
you ruined me.
you stole who i was in jacksonville and i'm never going to get her back.
you absolutely destroyed everything that i was.
i shouldn't have to live like this.
yet here i am.
you're everywhere!
i can't escape.
i'm trapped in my mind.
i've done everything i can to get out.
i don't think you even realize the extent of what you did to me.
i could write about it all day and you'd never be able to understand unless you had it happen to you.
i'm never getting over this.

Behind My Eyes.
Poetrycome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...