i have many regrets.
some of them are things that i've never been able to control so how is it that i'm able to regret them?
i've spent a lot of time pondering over them and i still don't know what one i'd consider being my biggest.
the list is incredibly long and would take too long to explain or share with you.
i've been trying to entertain the idea of adding you to that list but i don't think you'd ever make the final cut.
if i do add you to it you never last very long before i scratch your name out,
you've been redacted a lot actually.
you changed me for the better.
yes i gained some trust issues and now i have an even worse abandonment problem...
but i swear i've changed and i've grown.
i've learned so much from you.
regardless of those lessons i know i learned something.
every moment i got to spend with you was a precious gift that i'll never be able to get rid of.
i thank you for that.
i found a sense of "home" within you.
and i'd like to think you found home within me.
my list of regrets is mostly the things i didn't say to you or the things i never did with you.
granted i did think we had more time.
i didn't think it would end so abruptly.
as i sit here and think some more on this,
i've decided that my biggest regret is walking away from you.

Behind My Eyes.
Poesiecome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...