i don't know why i always let my friends walk all over me.
i suppose i do it because i want them to be happy.
or maybe i'm scared they won't like me anymore if i do something wrong.
i think it's because of what happened with you.
my biggest fear is losing people and i don't want to lose any more people.
i just don't know how much longer i can put up with this.
it's not fair that i keep getting treated like this?
i don't get it?
am i not good enough?
do i constantly have to change who i am for people?
do i have to become someone new for every relationship i have?
my friends say certain things when i'm around to show they have dominance over me and it hurts.
i don't know if they even realize that they do it.
if they did realize it what they were doing that would hurt even worse.
i don't want to think that they were trying to hurt me on purpose.
they're supposed to be my best friend do you know how much that would suck?
i don't want to think that they would ever do something like that but the more i think about our past and how things have unfolded with us i can't help but think that maybe that's the case?
if i did half the things that they did to me they would freak out on me and say that i was being rude and call me names.
i understand that they have issues but so do i.
i don't try to get people to act a certain way around me because of the issues that i have.
you act like someone else that i used to know and sometimes i can't handle that.
i shouldn't have to feel like i'm walking on eggshells with you.
being friends with me isn't even that hard to do,
just talk to me about celebrities, television shows, movies, memes and we'll be good to go.
it's not like i ask for much.
maybe it's the fact that i'm so "simple" that they think they can just walk all over me?
either way it's still wrong and i shouldn't be treated like this.
i just don't want to deal with them for a little while.
as much as we have fun together sometimes you can be really mean to me.
i don't know.
maybe i'm wrong.
maybe this is happening for a reason?
regardless i wish it wasn't.
i wish my friends treated me better.

Behind My Eyes.
Poetrycome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...