people aren't objects for you to use at your disposal.
people have feelings and your relentless torment can make such a mess of things and tear them apart.
you wore me down with your kind words and your games, though i suppose the kind words were just part of that game.
you play these sick twisted games and you get such a kick out of it, you think they're hilarious.
you tell our friend what i've said and then ask her how you should reply to it.
you ask our friend how i feel about you because that just fuels the game on even farther.
you're toxic and you're twisted it's a wonder to me how you have any friends at all.
i think about your drunk words all the time.
how many of them were lies?
did you mean any of it?
when did this stupid game start?
why me?
for me, you sharing everything we did to our friend and our coworkers was the worst thing you could have done to me.
maybe if i got you drunk enough and asked you the million questions i have floating around in my head i'd get some answers.
or maybe you'd just lie to me again.
all you know how to do is lie.
i wouldn't be able, to tell the truth between the truth and a lie, when it came to you.
you seemed like you actually cared about me, and i'm so stupid for believing that.
you only cared to tell people what happened.
you told me my opinion mattered.
it only mattered so you could see just how deep your claws were in my back.
you fueled my insecurities and somehow gave me more than i started with.
how did you manage to do that?
i'm never going to be able to trust anyone ever again.
what the hell is your problem?
i never did anything to you other than try to be your friend.
was that so wrong?
i've never met someone like you, pure evil.
you're worse than any villain in any movie.

Behind My Eyes.
Poetrycome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...