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Sure enough, the once frozen river was slipping away and being replaced by a refreshing blue water

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Sure enough, the once frozen river was slipping away and being replaced by a refreshing blue water. If she had time, Phillis would stop and admire the beautiful colour of the water, but she didn't have the desired time. "We need to cross, now," Peter said.
"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy suggested.
"I'm not that fast, dear!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed.
"Come on!" Peter yelled.
"Wait, will you just think about this for a minute?" Susan shouted.
"We don't have a minute," Peter snapped.
"I'm just trying to be realistic," Susan muttered, as Elmer plucked up the courage to grab her hand reassuringly. He gave it a tight squeeze, and thankfully, she returned it. "No, you're trying to be smart, as usual."
As the distant sound of howling wolves filled Susan's ears, she had no choice but to follow Peter and Lucy. So, she, Phillis and Elmer ran after them. It was simple, Elmer wasn't leaving Susan, and Phillis wasn't leaving Elmer. They reached the bottom of the cliff face with no injuries, thankfully. As Peter went to step on the melting ice, it broke off. "Maybe I should go first," Mr. Beaver suggested.
"Maybe you should," Peter nodded.
At first, the ice didn't break under Beaver's weight. It creaked, yet it did not break. Until it did break and Mrs. Beaver scoffed, "You've been sneaking seconds helpings, haven't you?"
"Well, you never know which meal is gonna be your last, especially with your cooking," he replied before continuing on.
The children and Mrs. Beaver followed, trying not to slip through the growing cracks. A shriek came from Lucy, but she'd only slipped slightly. "If Mum knew what we were doing," Susan said, as she held onto Elmer's hand.
"Mum's not here!" Peter snapped, spinning around to face Susan.
"Oh, no!" Lucy screamed as she saw some wolves run overhead.
"Run!" Peter yelled.
They ran along the weakening, melting ice, hoping to outrun the pack. Unfortunately, it was not to be, as the wolves blocked off their exit. Both exits. Mr. Beaver tried to scare them away, only to be pinned down by a wolf, much to Mrs. Beaver's grief. Peter unsheathed his sword as the wolf slowly walked towards the group. "Put that down, boy. Someone could get hurt," he said.
"Don't worry about me!" Mr. Beaver yelled. "Run him through."
As the wolf approached, he forced the children back. "Leave now, while you can, and your brother leaves with you," the wolf said.
"Stop, Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" Elmer yelled.
"Smart boy," Maugrim chuckled.
"Don't listen to him! Kill him! Kill him, now!" Beaver yelled.
"Oh, come on. This isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go," Maugrim said.
"Elmer's right! Just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesn't make you a hero!" Susan screamed.
"Just drop it!" Elmer yelled, cuddling his sister close.
"No, Peter, Narnia needs you. Gut him while you still have a chance!" Mr. Beaver shouted.
"What's it gonna be, Son of Adam? I won't wait forever," Maugrim taunted. "And neither will the river."
The water was bursting through the cracks in the frozen waterfall as Lucy screamed. "Hold onto me!" Peter yelled before plunging his sword into the ice. Then, the big gush of water came, sending all five of the children and Mrs. Beaver flying down the river, gripping onto a slab of ice. As the wave died down, they reemerged, still holding onto the ice.
Peter noticed Phillis slipping, so grabbed onto her coat as the beavers swam alongside them. When they hit the shore, Susan clambered up, before helping Elmer. That was when she noticed Peter holding Lucy's hand and Phillis' coat in the other. "What have you done?" Susan screamed, as Elmer spun around to see no sign of his sister. "Phillis!" Susan screamed. Lucy hugged Elmer for comfort, as he was too shocked to even speak. Then he saw it, the sudden redness in the water. "Susan," he breathed, pointing to the red water. Tears slipped from his eyes as he watched the blood-infused water.
"El-" Peter began as he saw what the others were staring at.
"Oh, God," Elmer let out a shaky sigh.
"Phillis!" Susan screamed, her voice straining as her lungs caved in at the pressure.
"Has anyone seen my coat?" the words were heaven to Elmer. They all turned to see a shivering Phillis walk up the shoreline, rubbing her bare arms to keep warm and a nasty cut on her right leg. Her hair clung to her forehead as Elmer engulfed her into a tight hug. She was shaking, clearly a bit traumatised. Susan was next to engulf the small girl, followed by Lucy. Peter sent her a guilty look. "Oh my God, I'm so, so sorry. I didn't even notice you slip out-" he rambled before Phillis shut him up by giving him a tight hug.
"How did you get this?" Elmer asked, looking to the cut.
"Well, I slipped out of my coat and then I hit the bottom of the river, cutting my leg open. And then I got my foot stuck between some rocks and I thought I was gonna drown," she explained as Lucy hugged her again, refusing to let go.
"Don't worry, dear, you're family's got you well looked after," Mr. Beaver smiled.
"And I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore," Mrs. Beaver said, turning to see the trees, that were beginning to regain their beautiful colours again as the snow melted away. As they advanced, through the forest, Phillis couldn't help but notice a cherry blossom tree, which had perhaps the most gorgeous shade of pink she'd ever seen. She found it simply perfect.

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