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"Where are we?" Tommy called, grabbing onto Phillis

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"Where are we?" Tommy called, grabbing onto Phillis.
A large ship sailed past them, as a couple of crew members dived in. Caspian grabbed Phillis' hand, pulling her towards the ship. "Caspian!" she cried. "Oh, Tommy, we're in Narnia!"
"Where?" he yelled back as a man pulled him towards the ship.
Once they were on board, Caspian gave the two some blankets. Phillis wrapped one around herself, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Tommy looked around in a panic, he blinked as a minotaur smiled at him. "Hello, Phillis," Caspian hugged her tightly.
"Caspian, hi," she grinned. "You have grown a beard!"
"I have. Who's this?" he asked, pointing to the panicked blonde.
"Caspian, this is Tommy. Tommy, this is Caspian," the two shook hands.
"Where am I?" Tommy asked.
"Why, you're in Narnia," Caspian said.
"N-Narnia? And you've been here before?" Tommy looked to Phillis.
"Twice," she laughed.
"She's also a Queen," Reepicheep said landing on her shoulder.
"Queen Phillis the Zealous," Reepicheep smiled. "And the best swordsman Narnia's ever seen."
"Right, of course. You can talk," Tommy looked terribly close to fainting.
"Is Edmund here yet?" Phillis asked eagerly, trying to spot him amongst the crowd.
"Not yet, I'm afraid," Caspian said.
"Not long now, Your Majesty, I expect," Reepicheep bowed.

Tommy sat on a barrel next to Phillis. She explained everything to him as he tried to remain conscious. She told him everything - from the scars to the coronation. It was merely ten minutes later when Caspian emerged with Lucy and Edmund and Eustace. "Edmund!" Phillis exclaimed, running towards him.
He engulfed her in an awfully tight embrace. She pressed her face into his chest, before leaning up to kiss him. Edmund looked down at her attire, raising a brow. "What are you- Tommy?" Edmund said, looking at the tall blonde.
"Hello, Edmund," Tommy smiled.
The two had been in the same year at Hendon House.
"Why are you wearing that with him?" Ed asked, looking Phillis up and down.
"We went swimming. Then, we ended up here. Oh, Ed, I haven't seen you in so long!" she kissed him again, his eyes trained on Tommy.
"You two are friends?" he said.
"Yes. Edmund, whatever's the matter?" she asked, his eyes leaking with jealousy.
"Nothing," he said quickly.
Phillis hugged Lucy, ignoring Edmund's rude behaviour.
"Oh, Philly, did you hear of Elmer and Susan? They want to get married!" Lucy grinned.
"I know, isn't it wonderful?" Phillis smiled. "Where's Eustace gotten off too?"
"God knows. It'll be nice to be rid of him for a moment or two," Edmund grumbled.
"Didn't you call for us?" Lucy asked Caspian as he wrapped a blanket around Edmund.
"No. Not this time," Caspian shrugged.
"Well, whatever the case, I'm just glad to be here," Edmund smiled.
A sudden scream echoed across the vessel. They all turned to see Eustace on the ground, Reepicheep on top of him. Eustace chucked him half way across the boat. He tumbled in front of the Kings and Queens. "Reepicheep!" Lucy grinned.
"Oh, Your Majesties," Reepicheep bowed.
"Hello, Reep. What a pleasure," Edmund smiled.
"The pleasure is all mine, sir," the noble mouse replied.
"But first, what to do about this hysterical interloper? Tommy here was much calmer than that one," Reep said, causing Tommy to blush at the compliment.
"Eustace!" Phillis cried running towards him as he coughed. "Are you all right?"
She kneeled down next to him, grabbing his arm. "That giant rat thing just tried to claw my face off!" Eustace quite literally screamed.
"I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs, sir," the mouse defended himself.
Eustace managed to stand, clinging onto Phillis tightly. She wrapped her blanket around Eustace too, ensuring he didn't get ill. "It talked! Did you see? Phillis, did you see? Did anyone just hear that? It just talked!" he yelled, pointing at Reepicheep.
"Eustace, it's okay," she chuckled.
"He always talks," a crew member said.
"Actually, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick," Caspian said as the crew laughed loudly.
"The moment there is nothing to be said, Your Highness, I promise you, I will not say it," Reepicheep said.
"I don't know what kind of prank this is, but I want to wake up right now!" Eustace cried, nestling into Phillis as she was the only thing he liked out of this entire ordeal.
"Perhaps we could throw him back?" Reepicheep suggested.
"Edmund!" Lucy snapped as he considered it.
Eustace began sobbing as the entire contents of the ship stared at him. "I demand to know, just where in the blazes am I?" he stamped his foot.
"You're on the Dawn Treader, the finest ship in Narnia's navy," a minotaur said.
Eustace fainted. He fell as Phillis caught him, placing him gently on the ground as the crew laughed. "Was it something I said?" the minotaur asked Caspian.
"See to him, will you?" Caspian said.
"Your Majesty," the minotaur nodded.
Phillis got up and jogged after Caspian. She scooted in next to Tommy. "Men," Caspian began, "behold our castaways. Edmund the Just, Phillis the Zealous and Lucy the Valiant, high King and Queens of Narnia."
The crew got down on one knee, and Tommy quickly followed suit. Phillis and Lucy shared a look of pure joy.
For the first time, Edmund noticed the collection of scars on Phillis' beautiful body. Her swimsuit bottoms had ridden down slightly, and he noticed the large wound next to the slash. He always felt guilty whenever they were in Narnia the first time and he saw it. It should of been him who received the scar. But even all those years ago, when Phillis thought of Edmund as the most irritable boy she'd ever met, she still risked her life to save him. He knew she felt particularly self conscious about it, so every night he would kiss it lightly and tell he that she was 'perhaps the most incredible thing he'd ever laid his eyes on'.

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