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Five beautiful years had passed since the coronation

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Five beautiful years had passed since the coronation. Everything had been quiet. Everything had been peaceful. Everything had been nice.
Everything up until now. Phillis Clementine Opal, Queen of Narnia, lay in her bed. Cobalt sat at the foot of her beloved bed, trying to persuade her to get up for the ball in half an hour. "Why don't you want to get up?" Cobalt asked.
"Because I don't want to go to the ball because he's going to be there. And he's been giving me a really hard time recently," Phillis answered and Cobalt already knew she was talking about Edmund Pevensie.
"He'll be preoccupied with princesses falling at his feet, asking for his hand in marriage," Cobalt said, before he saw Phillis' face fall. "But you don't want that, do you?"
"Not particularly, I don't think he deserves to be so popular with the ladies - he's a git," Phillis answered, sitting up in bed.
"Tell me the real reason why, Phillis," Cobalt said with a stern, father-like tone.
"Okay! I suppose I have developed a particular liking to King Edmund," Phillis admitted, turning red. "And I don't wanna go because, despite him being particularly cruel to me recently, I still don't want to see him fall in love with someone else. It just hurts too much, you know?"
"I understand. Well, the way around this would be to look amazing and make him jealous when Kings and princes beg for your hand in marriage as soon as you step through the door. Then he'll be jealous," Cobalt replied.
"You give the best advice, Cobey," Phillis smiled, climbing out of bed.
Once she was prepared - in a beautiful lavender gown and her hair pinned back like her mother used to have it - she thanked Cobalt one last time before leaving her sleeping quarters. She glided down the hall, until she was met with the doors of the ballroom. She could hear the orchestra and the quiet conversation from behind the thick wooden doors. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and all eyes turned to her. "Queen Phillis, the Zealous," a faun stood by the door said, as the contents of the ballroom bowed in her honour. She sent a grateful smile to Cair Paravel's guests. Peter was the first to sweep her up into a dance. "You look exceptional tonight, Philly. Who are you trying to impress?" Peter asked, a smirk present on his face.
"Please, Pete, I should be asking who you're trying to impress," Phillis smirked at the high king.
"No one in particular. I hear Elmer is dressing up for Susan," Peter raised a brow at the shorter girl.
"Probably. He's been in love with her for years," Phillis shrugged.
"This is news to me," Peter furrowed his brows.
"That would also be news to Susan," Phillis grinned.
And then, Phillis noticed it. The most beautiful woman, gliding across the floor with Edmund in tow. She wore a stunning yellow dress, and it made Phillis feel pathetic. In that moment, Phillis wasn't to know that this woman was to cause her so much heartache in the coming years.

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