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Phillis lay on Reina, who preferred to be called Cassie's, bed

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Phillis lay on Reina, who preferred to be called Cassie's, bed. The twins were now five. Phillis had somehow managed to put off her and Miguel's wedding for three years. "What are the two of you getting up to today?" Phillis asked, brushing through Reina's hair.
"Whatever amuses us at any given moment," Flynn shrugged, yawning as if he was bored.
"Come on, there must be something to do," Phillis told the pair.
"Well, what do you do Aunt Phillis, for fun, I mean?" Reina questioned.
"Well, I attend meetings and make sure you two don't get caught up in any wars. It's not as exciting as it sounds," she sighed.
"Anything is better than having to play in the gardens all day," Flynn sighed.
"Why don't you go to the library? Pick out some books or something? There's some really great ones in Cair Paravel's library," she suggested.
"Books?" Reina said, as if she was about to be sick.
"What's so bad about books?" Phillis asked.
"They're boring," Flynn told her.
"Well, I disagree. Books are amazing. You get to delve into different worlds thought up of in someone's mind. You get to read how they've brought their ideas to life. It's a distraction, isn't it? From the real world," Phillis told them.
"Sword fighting sounds better," Flynn muttered.
"My mother writes books," Phillis told them. "Your Grandmother."
"Did she?" Reina asked. "Why haven't we met Grandmother?"
"Because we're not from here. Your mother is, but me, your father, Edmund, Peter, Lucy and Susan aren't," she informed the children.
"Where are you from?" Flynn asked.
"A place called London. We got here through a wardrobe," Phillis said.
"A wardrobe?" Reina laughed.
"I know, it sounds crazy, doesn't it?" Phillis chuckled along with her niece and nephew.
"What's London like?" Reina asked, the word sounding foreign on her tongue.
"Very different. There's no sword fights," she told them, trying not to cry.
"No sword fights?!" Flynn yelled. "Yet you're the best swordsman in all of Narnia!"
"I think you'll find that that title belongs to Edmund," she corrected him, blushing at the sudden praise.
"But you're better than him, aren't you? You would beat him in a duel, wouldn't you?" Flynn exclaimed.
"Maybe. But I do have two swords," she laughed at his exasperated face.
"Are you better than daddy?" Reina asked.
"Oh, most definitely," Phillis smirked, as the children giggled.
Speaking of Edmund. He hadn't visited her room in a while, not since her engagement to Prince Miguel. She missed him dearly, as her barely spoke to her on a regular basis anyway. She just wanted her Eddie back.

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