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The Dawn Treader neared Dark Island

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The Dawn Treader neared Dark Island. It looked a lot bigger up close. "So, what do you think is in there?" Tavros asked from in front of Edmund, Phillis, Tommy, Lucy and Caspian.
"Our worst nightmares," replied Edmund.
"Our darkest wishes," added Caspian.
"Pure evil," sighed Drinian. "Tavros, unlock the armoury."
"My lord," the minotaur nodded, walking away.
"Archers, prepare yourselves," ordered the Captain.
"Light the lanterns," called Tavros.
"Let's get ready," said Caspian quietly to the four by his side.
Lucy split off, getting ready in her own cabin with Gael. Phillis stood in Caspian's pulling a chest plate over her torso. She pulled her hair back, ensuring it was out of her face. "In case we don't get through whatever this is, I want you to know I think of you as my brother, Ed. And you as a sister, Phil," said Caspian. "Even you, Tommy."
"Me too," smiled Edmund at the tall man.
Caspian helped Edmund with his armour. Phillis turned to look at Tommy, who was fiddling with his sleeve. She placed her hand on his, smiling reassuringly. "You gave up your sword," said Caspian to Edmund.
"It wasn't mine to keep," Ed shrugged, glancing back at Phillis who tucked her flute into her belt.
"Use this," Caspian said, holding out Peter's sword.
"But it's-" Ed began.
"Peter would want you to have it," said Caspian.
Ed smiled, taking it from him.
"And I think Elmer would want you to have this," Caspian held Elmer's sword out to Phillis.
She took it from him, staring at it for a moment. Phillis turned to a nervous looking Tommy. "Here," she said, handing it to him.
"But I've never even met Elmer," said Tommy quickly.
"He'll like you. I think you've proved yourself worthy of a proper sword," she replied.
Caspian and Edmund watched the interaction. Edmund, watching it now, saw no reason to say that Tommy and Phillis were anything more than friends. It was in their body language; it was different to how Edmund and Phillis used to act around each other at Cair Paravel.
"Are you sure?" Tommy looked from her to Ed and Caspian.
"Yes," she shoved it into his hands.
Truth be told, Tommy was very scared. He wasn't feeling the adrenaline rush that Phillis had described to him. His hands were shaking, and when he took the heavy sword from Phillis, everyone noticed. The three experienced fighters shared a knowing look. "It's okay," said Caspian. "It's scary, your first battle."
"But I don't have that adrenaline rush," Tommy said. "The one you get before you charge into battle."
"This is different," said Edmund. "We're fighting mist, not soldiers."
Tommy nodded, his nerves not calmed at all. Phillis hugged him, their armour restricting them slightly. "Even I haven't got the adrenaline rush yet. We're going in blindly. But when we get in there, you'll get the rush. I promise. And once you do, nothing scares you, okay?"
He nodded, a bit more confidently this time. "Okay."
She turned, heading for the door. Edmund gave her a tight squeeze, impressed at how easily she could calm Tommy down. She knew Tommy, though. She knew how he got in certain social situations; he was a very shy boy. She just needed to say the right things at the right time. And she figured, giving Tommy a bigger sword and some reassurance would do the trick. Phillis picked up her second sword from Caspian's table, and slid it into its sheath. The sound electrifying the room. "Better?" she looked at Tommy, for she knew the sound of swords being unsheathed or sheathed certainly lit something up within her. He nodded, no longer shaking, but rather smirking.

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