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"The Lone Islands

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"The Lone Islands. The port of Narrowhaven," Drinian said as they approached land.
Phillis stood at the head of the Dawn Treader with Edmund, Drinian and Caspian. "Strange. Not a Narnian flag in sight," Caspian said.
Drinian handed the telescope the Edmund. "But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's," Phillis said, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Seems suspicious," declared Drinian.
"I say we prepare a landing party. Drinian?" Edmund said.
"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but the chain of command starts with King Caspian on this ship," Drinian replied, looking between Edmund and Phillis.
"Right," Edmund sighed, clearly slightly annoyed.
Phillis felt him tense up, so she slipped her hand into his and squeezed it tightly.
"We'll use longboats," said Caspian. "Drinian, pick some men and come ashore."
"Aye," Drinian said.
"Tavros," Caspian said to the big black minotaur.
The creature began shouting orders to the crew.
Phillis looked at Edmund, who seemed slightly hurt by the whole ordeal. "So much for 'Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen of Narnia," she muttered, leaning into his side.
He hummed, releasing her hand and walking away. Ouch. "You okay?" Lucy's voice snapped Phillis out of her trance.
"Why is Edmund acting so cold towards me?" she asked.
"I think it has something to do with the fact that you didn't send as many letters as you did when we first left," Lucy sighed. "But, and I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but he's been trying to join the army recently."
Hurt smashed its way into Phillis' heart. Join the army? But she's already lost her father and her brother is risking his life everyday. She made a mental note to speak to him about it later. "Thank you, Lu," Phillis smiled down at the girl.
"Don't tell him I told you that. He probably wanted to tell you himself, if he was going to do it at all," Lucy muttered.
"I won't. I promise," Phillis nodded.
"Thanks," Lucy smiled.

Once they'd arrived at the island, they'd soon come to discover that it seemed uninhabited. That was until a bell rang, making Phillis jump, falling back into Tommy. She muttered an apology as they laughed, causing Edmund's sudden infuriation. "Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place," Caspian ordered. "We'll head on. If we don't come back by dawn, send a party."
"Yes, Your Majesty," Reep nodded.
Caspian followed Edmund up into the town.
The day turned to night, soon enough. It was that funny time when it wasn't light and it wasn't dark. "Yeah, looks like nobody is in. Do you think we should head back?" called Eustace.
"Do you want to come here and guard... something?" Edmund replied.
"Ah, yes. Good idea, cousin," said Eustace, running towards the four. "Very, uh, logical."
"Tommy, will you be okay staying with him?" Phillis asked the tall boy.
"Indeed," he nodded.
Phillis drew one of her swords, handing it to Tommy. "Lose it, and you're dead."
Caspian seemed to agree with Phillis' logic of arming the two, as he handed Eustace a dagger. "I've got it, I've got it. Don't worry," said Eustace.
Caspian, Lucy, Edmund and Phillis pushed open the large wooden door. Whatever it was, it looked as though it hadn't been touched in decades. "I'm ready to go when you are," Eustace called, his voice echoing through the hall.
Edmund pointed his torch at a book on some form of podium. The book was full of names written in beautiful cursive writing. "Who are all these people?" Lucy asked.
"Why have they been crossed out?" added Edmund.
"It looks like some kind of fee," Phillis whispered.
"Slave traders," Caspian said.
Suddenly, the bells above began ringing and men dropped from the ropes. Phillis engaged in combat almost immediately. She sort of began to wish she'd not given Tommy her other sword as she always felt much more confident with two. A sudden scream, which Phillis first thought to be Lucy's, interrupted the fight. She turned to see Tommy with her sword and Eustace with Caspian's dagger up to their throats. "Tommy," Phillis cried.
"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons," the man with Eustace said.
"Like a girl?" replied Eustace, utterly offended.
"Now!" the man screamed.
Slowly, Phillis lowered her sword.
"Eustace," Edmund muttered.
"Put them in irons," the man holding Tommy said.
Phillis suddenly felt herself being manhandled. She kicked one as he tried to put them on her from behind. "I can do it without you," she snapped as he grunted.
She held her hands out to the man who had originally been trying to put the irons on her, glaring at the man from before.
"Let's take these three to market. Send these three to the dungeons," the man said.
"Listen to me, you insolent fool! I am your king!" Caspian yelled.
She watched as Edmund struggled against the man who was holding him, causing said man to punch Edmund across the face. "Ed! Get off him!" Phillis screamed at the man.
He slapped her as she cried out. The man holding her laughed, pushing her forward. "You're gonna pay for that!" yelled Edmund.
"Actually, someone else is going to pay for her," a man said, emerging from the shadows. "And for all of you."
Three men dragged Lucy, Eustace and Phillis away from Tommy, Edmund and Caspian. Lucy screamed for Edmund. "Lucy!" he yelled.

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