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Phillis loved her sleeping quarters being next to Elmer and Dariyah's

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Phillis loved her sleeping quarters being next to Elmer and Dariyah's. But that was before two newborns arrived. And now, she struggled to sleep at all as the constant sound of wailing babies flooded her dreams. Cobalt didn't seem to mind, he even claimed it helped him sleep better. But alas, at midnight Phillis found a break from the babies' crying and fell into a peaceful, baby-free slumber. However, Edmund had woken from a terrible dream and sought out the comfort of the only way he knew how. And that was Phillis Opal. Gently, he knocked on her door before pushing it open. Sure enough, Cobalt was curled up in front of the moonlit window, and Phillis lay soundly in her large bed. "Phillis?" he whispered, sitting on the edge of her bed.
She stirred slightly, her eyebrows knitting together. He repeated her name, and she jolted awake, her hand pressed over her heart. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" she whispered, sighing in relief when she noticed it was merely Edmund Pevensie. "How can I be of assistance at this hour, Ed?"
"I had a bad dream," he sighed, tears littering his eyes.
"It's okay to be scared," she whispered, hugging him tightly. "What is it that's scaring you?"
"Whenever I have these dreams, I dream that I lose you. Somehow - it's always different - I end up losing you," he replied. "I'm scared of losing you."
"Me? Ed, I'm right here," she whispered, kissing his temple lightly. "What happened in your dream?"
"We were younger. We were fighting in a battle. Someone went to stab me, you pushed me out the way and ended up getting hurt yourself. Lucy didn't get there in time," hot tears trickled down his speckled cheeks.
"Like the White Witch?" she questioned.
"Remember, Lucy did get there in time and I'm eternally grateful," she told him.
"As am I," he smiled.
"Now, come on. Climb in," Phillis lifted the sheets to allow for Edmund to clamber in. He slid in, pressing his head into the soft pillows. The brunette beside him smiled, cuddling into him. "Tell me, Edmund, does the sound of crying babies help you sleep?"
"I wouldn't say so," he laughed, just as Flynn began crying.
"Cobalt seems to find it soothing," Phillis laughed, gesturing to the big cat asleep on her floor.
"I'm not surprised," he chuckled.
"What do you miss from home?" she asked.
"This is home," he furrowed his brows, turning to her.
"No, I mean Finchley. Our real homes," Phillis corrected him.
"I guess I miss my mother and father. I miss having dinner at yours every Friday night. In a bizarre way, I miss being teased about liking you," he replied, his face turning pale as he realised what he'd said.
"What?" Phillis breathed, her eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips. Before either of them had the chance to say anything, their lips were together in a split moment. Edmund's hand cupped her cheek as her hands cradled his neck. The two now nineteen year olds deepened the sweet kiss, tugging on each other's hair. When Phillis pulled away to catch her breath, she smiled at him. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.
Her eyes flickered down before meeting his again, a blush emerging on her cheeks.
Maybe it was because they were both tired, or maybe it was because they were so madly in love with each other, that they didn't realise that what they'd just done couldn't be known about by anyone, or else marriage would be forced upon the two teenagers. They didn't want that - they just wanted each other.
Phillis was the first to fall asleep, her eyes fluttering shut to the sound of Edmund humming, whilst twirling a strand of her hair around his finger. He could tell she was dreaming, as her eyes would twitch, her eyebrows would furrow and she'd let out little hums of approval or rejection. Occasionally, she'd utter some nonsense mumblings. He found them fascinating to listen to. He was about to fall asleep when he heard her whisper his name. He went to respond, but noticed her eyes were firmly closed and she was in a deep sleep. "Eddie," she breathed, nestling closer to him.
Then he realised she was dreaming about him and his cheeks were set alight in a deep crimson. Though, he slept well that night, knowing that Phillis Clementine Opal was dreaming of him.

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