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On the fifth day of July, Dariyah birthed a set of twins

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On the fifth day of July, Dariyah birthed a set of twins. A little girl came first, followed by a boy an hour later. Mrs. Beaver helped Dariyah deliver the baby, whilst Elmer sat outside with Edmund, Peter and Lucy. Despite their differences, Dariyah wanted the Aunt to her children to be there and a wise, calm mind like Susan's to help her through the excruciating pain of childbirth. Dariyah held her daughter in her arms, smiling up at Phillis, who couldn't wipe the smile off her face. "What are you going to call them?" Susan asked, sitting down on the bed as Phillis handed the baby boy back to Dariyah.
"Well, Elmer and I haven't really discussed names," Dariyah said sheepishly.
"You just birthed two children, I think you should at least be allowed to name them," Phillis said. "So, what's it gonna be?"
Dariyah pondered the question for a minute, maybe two. She looked up at the two Queens, a small smile on her face.
"How about Flynn Tyrion Opal?" Dariyah suggested.
"Flynn Opal," the name rolled off of Phillis' tongue perfectly. "I love it. What about this little angel?"
"Reina Cassiopeia Opal."
"Perfect," Susan smiled sweetly at Dariyah.
"Would you like me to fetch the others?" Mrs. Beaver asked.
"Please," Dariyah nodded.
In a matter of seconds, the other four rulers were in the room. Phillis couldn't help but smile at Lucy's admiration-filled eyes. "Do you want to hold one?" Dariyah asked the youngest of the monarchs.
"Yes, please," Lucy nodded, eagerly.
"What are they called?" Peter asked as Elmer swept his daughter up into his arms and Lucy delicately picked up the little boy.
"Flynn Tyrion Opal and Reina Cassiopeia Opal," Dariyah replied.
"They're so cute," Lucy giggled.
Edmund observed from afar, watching how Phillis handled the two newborns. She cradled one in her arms, humming the recognisable tune of 'We'll Meet Again'. "Keep smiling through, just like you always do," she whispered the lyrics as the baby boy waved his arms about. For a brief moment, he imagined that Phillis was caring for their children. Then, he imagined what it would be like to have children with Phillis, marry her, grow old with her. He wanted to do all these things with her, but he knew he'd never be able to, because he was too scared to admit his feelings for her to anyone - even himself. "Edmund?" Peter's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "You wanna hold one?"
"Oh, umm, no thank you," he said quickly.
Mr. Tumnus pressed Reina back into Elmer's arms. Mr. Beaver smiled at his wife, who merely neatened out her fur. Cobalt glanced up at Phillis. "You're an Aunt," he smiled.
"I know," she breathed, her eyes scanning over the marvellous scene in front of her. "I can't believe it."
"You're going to be a great Aunt," Elmer said, grinning at her as he nestled Flynn into his chest.
"You're going to be a brilliant father," she replied, her eyes flicked over to Edmund.
His cheeks flushed red as she caught him staring. He turned his gaze back onto the twins in a matter of milliseconds. Edmund jumped as Cobalt let out a quiet laugh. "I saw you two a few months ago, when you came into her room. The pair of you are clearly in love. So, stop dodging each other, stop pretending to despise each other, and start treating each other how you want to treat each other," Cobalt said. "It's not like everyone can't feel the tension between you two. Everyone can tell the pair of you have a deep admiration for the other."
Edmund stared down at Cobalt. How could a leopard be so wise?

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