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"Since you left, the Giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally," Caspian explained, pointing to a map

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"Since you left, the Giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally," Caspian explained, pointing to a map. "Then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There is peace across all of Narnia."
"Peace?" Edmund grinned.
"In just three years," Caspian said.
Lucy tucked some of her hair behind her ear, like she'd seen other girls do, and say, "And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?"
"No. Not one to compare with your sister," Caspian looked down.
Phillis glanced awkwardly at Edmund, who was clearly thinking the same thing as her. After silent deliberation, they decided not to mention that Susan was happily in love with Elmer.
"Hang on. If there are no wars to fight and no one is in trouble, then why are we here?" Phillis asked.
"It's a good question. I've been asking myself the same thing," Caspian sighed.
"So, where are we sailing to?" Edmund asked.
"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters. The seven lords of Telmar," Caspian explained, turning to look at seven sketches of men behind him. "They fled to the Lone Islands. No one has heard from them since."
"So you think something has happened to them?" Edmund asked.
"Well, if it has, it's my duty to find out," Caspian replied.
"What's east of the Lone Islands?"
Lucy asked because, sure enough, anything past the Lone Islands was blank.
"Uncharted waters," Drinian spoke up. "Things you can barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents and worse."
Phillis and Lucy glanced at Edmund as they knew he wasn't particularly fond of sea serpents.
"Sea serpents?" he repeated.
"Alright, Captain, that's enough of your tall tales," Caspian interrupted before Drinian said anything worse.

Edmund watched Phillis glumly as she laughed at something Tommy had said. "You know, I have always been scared of mice. And now I'm trapped on a ship with a large, talking one," Tommy chuckled.
"Well, my biggest fear is drowning, so I don't think you have it much worse than me," she smirked.
"Phillis, scared of something?" Caspian appeared next to them.
"Would you believe it," she said sarcastically.
"But, you're the most feared swordsman in all of Narnia," he said.
"I am?" she smirked.
"Yes. Of course, you're no good with only one sword," he said.
"Oh, really?" she said.
The crew watched on in enjoyment as Caspian unsheathed his sword. "Prove it," he said.
"Very well," she agreed.
Phillis unsheathed one of her swords. "Edmund, hold my sword."
She didn't wait for an answer, she just dropped it in his hands. She drew her other sword, pointing it at Caspian.
King Caspian swung first, as the crew cheered. She defended herself quickly, the sound of metal on metal bouncing off the sides of the ship. He swung again, as she ducked. She went to swing, only for him to step back. She began pushing him further back. Caspian managed to tap her side, leaving his right side open. She took the opportunity. They danced along the deck of the boat, swords clashing. Caspian made more advancements, whilst she tended to do more defending. But this was how she fought. When she noticed Caspian beginning to pant, she took this as her chance to start attacking. She swung, him blocking one or two of them. Then, she began to edge forward as Caspian began to tire. With one final hit, she knocked his sword out of his hand and onto the wooden floor of the ship. The crew cheered. "You've grown stronger, my friend," he said, hugging her.
"And I can cope perfectly fine with one sword," she said, smiling up at him.
"Of course you can," he said, clearly he'd known it all along.
Edmund held out her second sword. She sheathed her first, thanking him as she sheathed the second.
"Alright, back to work," Drinian ordered.
Edmund had certainly missed seeing Phillis fight. Tommy walked over to the pair, eyes wide. "You really are as good as they say," he said.
"Are you saying you doubted me?" she said, pretending to be hurt.
"I could never," he replied.

Edmund joined Lucy and Phillis by the side of the ship a while later. Tommy was glued to Phillis' side and it was making him jealous. "Edmund," Lucy said, "do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world we'll just... tip off the edge?"
"Don't worry, Lu. We're a long way from there," Ed replied.
Eustace clambered up from below deck.
"I see you're still talking nonsense, the two of you," Eustace said. "Phillis must be tired of hearing such rubbish."
"Are you feeling better?" Tommy asked the boy, who he thought was rather quite funny.
"Yes, no thanks to you. It's lucky I have an iron constitution," Eustace snapped.
Tommy just chuckled at his words.
"As effervescent as ever, I see. Find your see legs?" Reepicheep asked, perching onto Phillis' shoulder.
"Never lost them. Simply dealing with the shock of things," Eustace replied.
Phillis smiled at the boy, who was clearly trying to understand what was going on. It was a lot to take in. "Mother says I have an acute disposition, due to my intelligence."
Edmund spat out his drink, causing Tommy, Lucy and Phillis to chuckle.
"I don't think he has a cute anything," Reep whispered into Phillis' ear.
"I'll have you know, as soon as we find civilisation I'm contacting the British Consul. Have you all arrested for kidnapping," Eustace snapped, storming off, before bumping into Caspian.
"Kidnapping, is it? That's funny, I thought we saved your life," Caspian said.
Edmund was supporting himself with his free arm, which seemed to cross Phillis' clothed back. Subconsciously, she lent into his warmth slightly.
"You held me against my will!" Eustace yelled.
"Ha!" Reep laughed.
"Did I?" Caspian smirked.
"In, what I must say, are the most unhygienic quarters. It's like a zoo down there!" Eustace exclaimed.
"He's quite the complainer, isn't he?" said Reepicheep.
"He's just warming up," Edmund muttered.

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