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The sound of claws on marble startled Phillis as Cobalt raced around the corner

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The sound of claws on marble startled Phillis as Cobalt raced around the corner. "Philly, Philly!" he called out to her.
"Cobalt, what is it?" she asked the eager leopard.
"The White Stag has been spotted in the woods," he breathed.
"Oh my God!" she jumped up from her spot in the library. She and Cobalt raced towards the stables. She spotted the twins playing tag in the gardens and decided to bid them farewell. "Flynn, Reina!" she called, jogging towards them.
"Aunt Phillis!" they yelled.
"The White Stag has been spotted. Remember, the one Mr. Tumnus told us about? Well, we have to go, okay? I love you both so much. I'll see you soon," she kissed their foreheads, not sure why she was being so emotional.

It wasn't like she was never going to see them again.

Susan ran out with Garnet and her own horse tacked up and ready to go. Originally, Phillis had been reading in the library with Mr. Tumnus, whilst Mrs. Beaver sat and knitted along to the chant of Phillis' words. Garnet whinnied at the sudden excitement, rearing slightly. Shortly after, everyone except Elmer had emerged from the stables. "Where is he?" Lucy groaned.
"You girls wait at the castle, I'll get the stag myself," Edmund said proudly.
"Oh, shut up, Ed," Phillis rolled her eyes at his cocky attitude.
Phillis crouched down to give Cobalt a tight hug. She had a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach - as if she'd never see any of this again. "Thank you," she said into his soft fur.
"For what, Your Majesty?" he asked, slightly confused.
"I don't know," she shrugged. "Everything."
He sent her a curt nod as she mounted Garnet. Soon enough, Elmer came galloping out on his dappled beauty. "Took your time," Lucy glared at him.
"What? I was saying goodbye to my family," he shrugged.
And with that, the royal horses set off at full speed, in hopes of catching the White Stag.
Cobalt watched sadly as Phillis and Garnet disappeared into the distance, not before she turned back around to smile at the leopard, whom she called her best friend.
The sound of hooves pounding through the forest was one that Phillis had grown to love. As usual, Garnet raced ahead. Despite his old age, he treated everything as though it were a race. Phillis pulled on the reins slightly, allowing the others to catch up.
There it was!
The White Stag continued to run ahead of them. Then, Susan noticed Edmund was missing. So, they all turned back to check on the man. "Come on, Ed," Susan said, as they approached Edmund and Philip, who were stood still.
"Just catching my breath," Ed smiled.
"Well, that's all we'll catch at this rate," Phillis joked.
"What did he say again, Susan?" Lucy smirked.
"You girls wait at the castle, I'll get the stag myself," Susan mocked, making the group laugh.
"What's this?" Peter asked, walking towards a lamppost.
The rest of the group dismounted quickly and approached the oddly familiar object with caution. "This looks familiar," Elmer furrowed his brows.
"As if from a dream," Phillis said, barely above a whisper.
"Or a dream of a dream. Spare Oom," Lucy said, before sprinting away.
"Lucy!" Elmer yelled.
"Not again," Susan rolled her eyes.
Phillis picked up the hem of her dress and ran after the youngest of the group, leaving the royal horses behind. "Lu?" Phillis questioned.
"Come on!"
They followed Lucy through some trees, only to find the trees turn into something much softer. "These aren't branches," Peter commented.
"They're coats," Susan whispered.
As they continued through the coats, the group began shouting at each other. Things like, 'you're on my toe' or 'move over'. Until suddenly, Phillis felt herself fall. She fell onto wooden flooring. As she composed herself, she noticed her knees. Funny. She was wearing a long dress before. She looked around for a moment, walls and windows. Then she met the gaze of everyone else. Boys and girls. Then she realised, she was wearing the little green dress, dotted with intricate daisy detailing and the same short socks. She hadn't seen this outfit in fifteen years. She was thirteen again. Phillis looked to her older brother, who seemed to be the most hurt out of everyone. He had just left a wife and two children behind in a magical land in the back of the wardrobe.
The name ran through her brain as if it'd been there for years. Her best friend, her most trusted companion. And her niece and nephew and sister-in-law were all still in there. Panic set in on Phillis - she didn't know if she was ever going to see these people again. Just as what had happened sank into the children, the door swung open and, sure enough, Professor Kirke walked in, clutching a cricket ball in his hand. The same cricket ball that Edmund had smashed through a window all those years ago. But Phillis realised that to Professor Kirke, they must have only been gone for hours or perhaps no time at all. "Oh, there you are," he said, approaching the six children, who were sprawled out across the dusty floor. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"
He gave the children a knowing smirk.
"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir," Peter said.
As Peter said this, Phillis and Edmund made eye contact. They each flushed crimson and turned away quickly, recalling the countless nights they'd wasted proving to the other just how much they really loved them.
The professor tossed the ball to Peter.

"Try me."

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