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"Be ready!" Peter screamed at the troops

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"Be ready!" Peter screamed at the troops.
Glenstorm and Caspian retreated into the How. The two Pevensie brothers and the two Opal siblings ran to the hem of the stone ruins. "Phillis-" Edmund began
"I'll be fine. I've had some of Lucy's cordial," she reassured him, pecking him lightly before drawing her swords.
Peter and Elmer shared a brief look of confusion. How it felt strange watching Peter's brother and Elmer's sister, kids who once hated each other passionately, display their love for each other. However, they didn't have time to ponder the subject, as the Telmarines began launching catapults at the How and the army. The Telmar cavalry raced towards Aslan's How and Phillis couldn't help but think that Garnet would of loved to outrun all of those horses - for everything was a race to him. She smiled faintly at the memory of her magnificent horse, who she thought of as more of a companion than an accessory or a 'pet'. The cavalry only got closer. Catapults were narrowly missing Narnians. Susan's commands could be heard.
There it was.
The adrenaline.
That rush that Phillis sought after so much. Peter sent the signal to Caspian and Glenstorm, who raced into the How to execute the plan. "One. Two. Three," Peter began counting down.
Phillis was surprised at herself for not flinching at all as catapults rained down on them for something about holding both swords together gave her a dangerous amount of confidence. "Eight. Nine. Get ready!" Peter yelled.
Then, the very ground beneath the cavalry began to give way. Their plan was working. Susan's command was heard, and arrows flew towards the struggling Telmarines. "Charge!" Peter cried.
Phillis and Edmund shared one last look before sprinting towards the Telmarines, their swords outstretched. Two ramps opened up into the How on either side of the cavalry and the army lying in wait inside the How emerged, completely trapping the Telmarines.

Phillis had to be careful not to damage her wounds further. But that didn't stop her from putting up a good fight. Having two swords certainly was an advantage. Edmund raced along on a horse, firing at Telmarines with a crossbow. Elmer defended himself from one Telmarine with his shield and tried to kill another with his sword. Phillis watched in utter horror as the next wave of Telmarines approached. Griffins flew overhead, clutching onto the dwarfs, who fired at the reinforcements. All the while, catapults were being thrown at them. They'd need a miracle. She slammed her swords into a Telmarine, who grunted and collapsed to the floor. "Back to the How!" Peter commanded.
Caspian and Edmund raced back on their horses. Ed scooped Phillis up onto his stallion. "Thanks," she whispered, managing to get in a few more kills from atop the horse.
Their escape became blocked as it caved in, killing a faun or two. Phillis screamed out Susan's name, as she fell from the balcony of the How. The eldest Pevensie girl clutched onto Trumpkin. She slipped, landing on a fallen roof. Elmer rushed to help her down before reuniting with Peter, Phillis, Edmund and Caspian. They watched as the Telmarines cornered them. Edmund unsheathed his sword, before they all raced back into battle. She ducked and swung and all sorts in a drastic attempt at survival. Phillis knew the Narnians were going to fight with everything they had, but their chances were looking increasingly slimmer. The Telmarines were closing in. Quickly.
Phillis figured playing her flute wouldn't help at a time like this. Some Narnians had begun to attack the advancing Telmarine soldiers. There seemed to be one thought - or rather person - that kept appearing in her mind. Someone she knew she had to be strong for. And someone she had to make proud. Cobalt. Of course she wanted nothing more than to make her father proud, but he wouldn't understand this stuff.

They'd need a miracle.

And one came in the form of trees.

The trees danced along the field, sending the Telmarines fleeing. "Lucy," Peter whispered. "For Aslan!"
The remaining Narnians chased the remaining Telmarines. The soldiers of Telmar retreated to the ford. The bridge had since been finished.
Phillis pointed her swords at the panicked men, smirking ever so slightly. Lucy emerged at the edge of the bridge, blocking off their exit. Soon enough, Aslan joined her side. Sopespian, unsure of what else to do, called the order for the Telmarines to charge across the bridge at a lion and a young girl. Aslan let out an almighty roar and then there was silence. Until a tsunami-like figure emerged, racing down the ford. The water figure tore up the Telmarine's bridge and Phillis could only watch on in wonder and pure amazement. And then, just as soon as it arrived, it disappeared. Collapsing into the water, creating a huge splash. It had submerged Sopespian and his horse in itself. And just like that, the water was as calm as it had been two minutes ago.

Any surviving Telmarines were to surrender their weapons and take off their armour. Caspian, along with the Opals and the Pevensies all waded through the water and onto the other bank, where Lucy and Aslan waited for them. The six of them dropped to their knees, bowing to the Great Aslan. "Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia," said Aslan.
All but Caspian did so.
"All of you."
"I do not think I am ready," Caspian gulped.
"It's for that very reason I know you are," Aslan told the brunette boy.
Caspian then rose, sharing a glance with Phillis, who smiled broadly at him. The sudden tune of bagpipes echoed through the air. They turned to see the company of mice carry Reepicheep through on a stretcher. They gently placed him down in front of Aslan. Lucy rushed forward, dropping some of her cordial into his mouth. He gasped, before sitting up gradually, "Oh! Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you. Hail, Aslan. It is a great honour to be in-"
He stumbled as he went to bow, noticing that his tail had been replaced by a stump. "I'm completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion. Uh... perhaps a drop more?"
Reepicheep looked up at Lucy with pleading eyes.
"I don't think it does that," Lucy sighed.
"You could have a go?" his tone was hopeful.
Aslan chuckled, "It becomes you well, small one."
"All the same, Great King. I regret that I must withdraw for a tail is the honour and glory of a mouse."
"Perhaps you think too much of your honour, friend," Aslan replied.
"Well, it's not just the honour. It's also great for balance," Reep said and Phillis couldn't help but chuckle. "And climbing. And grabbing things."
"May it please your high majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honour denied to our chief," a noble little mouse spoke up.
"Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people," Aslan smiled.
Suddenly, a tail appeared on Reepicheep. "Look! Oh, thank you, my liege! I will treasure it always. From this day forward, it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility."
"Now, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" Aslan asked.
They all turned to look at Trumpkin helping the last of the Telmarines out of the water. Reluctantly, he approached and bowed at Aslan. The mighty lion roared at the dwarf, who winced slightly. "Do you see him now?" Phillis laughed.

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