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Many happy moments followed the wedding of Edmund and Phillis

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Many happy moments followed the wedding of Edmund and Phillis. They lived joyfully together - just them and Rum the tabby - with no one to hold them back. After their wedding, their first dance had been to the beautiful voice of Vera Lynn singing the song that seemed to mean so much to Phillis. Eustace would often travel to London to visit them. And Phillis and Ed lived much closer to Freddie and Rose than they had when they lived with their families.

But it was in 1947, when the young couple was merely twenty, they welcomed a baby boy. He was a small angel. Enoch Caspian Pevensie. He was perfect, from his little tuft of chocolate hair to his tiny fingers. Lucy was obsessed with him. Her entire life revolved around the infant for a good few months. Virginia, Helen and Mr. Pevensie and Alberta and Harold had questioned the child's middle name, but Phillis quickly explained that it was a character from a fantastic book she'd read once. They seemed to believe it.

Holding Enoch Pevensie for the first time was a magnificent feeling. Edmund was speechless. Unlike Susan, Lucy and Phillis, he hadn't thought of having children much when he was younger. It was only as he grew older and fell into a pool of love for Phillis, did he begin to wonder what having a family might be like.

The first night at home with him was brilliant. Rum was curious as to what the little crying potato-looking thing was. Both of Enoch's parents had brown eyes, but his were clearly that of Edmund's. If it was possible to love anything more than Ed loved Phillis, he felt it for the tiny infant. And perhaps the best thing was that Enoch would grow up to know no pain from the war. Sure, he would never know Grandpa Ralph or Uncle Elmer, but he would know peace and a great deal of love.

It was a foggy November evening, the television created lovely white noise as Edmund bounced Enoch on his knee, watching the world go by in a daze. Phillis was in the kitchen preparing dinner for the family. Some pie filled with last night's leftovers, Edmund guessed. It wasn't a problem, though, he loved Phillis' cooking. Rum was sprawled out in front of the lit fireplace, soaking up the blissful heat. The brown-haired baby giggled gleefully at his father. Once Phillis had put the pie in the oven, she sat herself down on the floor in front of the sofa. Her mother's typewriter - which she'd kindly gifted to Phillis - sat on the coffee table, some notes spread out across the wooden furnishing. Soon enough, the sound of the typewriter drowned out the quiet television, but Edmund didn't mind, as he loved the sound of the machine. It always seemed to lull Enoch to sleep too. "What are you writing?" Edmund asked. It was either an article or a book. He never knew which though.
"Just a new article," she told him, smiling.
"About what?" he asked.
"Just something about a scandal at the market. Nothing exciting," she shrugged.
"A scandal at the market?" he said, a small smirk on his face. She nodded.
"I wish something remotely interesting would happen. I mean, we live in London - how hard can it be for something with even the smallest hint of excitement to happen? I'm sick of writing about the football scores or some businessman who's been locked up for tax fraud," the brunette woman sighed.
"Your talent is wasted on them," Ed told his wife, kissing her cheek.
She leaned back into his touch, needing his warmth. She'd been particularly stressed lately, the Daily Express had just been asking for stories to go onto the pages that no one reads. Phillis just wanted to write big articles that belonged on the front page.

Phillis hummed as Edmund ran his slender fingers along her collar bone, her dainty necklace lying upon her neck. Enoch began crying, causing Rum to wake and stretch out. The tabby cat sat up and plodded out of the room. Enoch reached out for his mother, so Phillis carefully lifted the boy out of Ed's arms. She rocked him, shushing him quietly. It seemed to do the trick, as Enoch was fast asleep within minutes. Of course, she didn't want to disturb him, so she said, "Ed, can you just go check on the pie?"
He nodded and left the room. As he did so, rain began to fall from the clouds. The horrible weather outside made inside seem so much warmer and cosier. When Edmund returned, he muttered, "Five more minutes."
Five minutes later, Edmund dished up the pie and gave a plate to Phillis. They ate in silence, listening to the rain beat against the window and the crackling fire. It took them ten minutes to eat and about five to wash and dry up. But soon enough, Phillis and Edmund were asleep, cuddling on the sofa, Enoch nestled between his parents. And, at some point, Rum arrived, and curled up on Edmund's lap. It was a moment that none of them would remember, but a sweet one nonetheless.

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