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Phillis and Tommy grew close in the following days

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Phillis and Tommy grew close in the following days. And in those following days, a lot happened. Mr. Pevensie returned from the war and he'd been offered a lecturing job in America for sixteen weeks. He announced he'd be taking Helen, for she hadn't had a proper holiday for ten years, and Susan for she would benefit from the trip the most. Peter didn't mind, of course, as he was studying for an exam at Professor Kirke's house. However, Edmund and Lucy were disgusted to hear that they would have to stay with their Aunt and Uncle and their horrid cousin, Eustace Scrubb. Virginia had told Helen that she wouldn't mind if Edmund and Lucy stayed with them for the weeks they were to be gone. And much to Phillis' horror, Elmer had announced that he was to leave for Edinburgh, where he would undergo a few weeks of training, before being sent to Hawaii. For he'd joined the RAF, without telling anyone but Susan and Peter.

They were all sat in the living room of the Pevensie household. Mr. Pevensie sat in his armchair, flipping through the newspaper. Peter sat on one of the sofas, Elmer sat beside him. Susan sat slightly closer to Elmer than normal, whilst she braided Lucy's hair. On the other sofa, Edmund sat in the corner, his arm around Phillis as she read a book. Her mother sat next to her, quietly observing the two teenagers whilst engaging in conversation with Helen. "When are you to leave, Mother?" Lucy asked.
"A week or two," Mr. Pevensie answered for her.
"Oh, it should be good fun," Susan grinned.
"I bet," Edmund said glumly. "And whilst Lucy and I have to endure weeks of Eustace."
"Don't speak like that," Phillis muttered. "He's nice, when he's not being a complete know-it-all."
"Helen, why don't Lucy and Edmund come and stay with us whilst you're away?" Virginia spoke up.
"A change of scenery would be nice for them," Helen sighed. "Besides, Alberta said she'd be more than happy to have them stay there and cancelling on them this soon seems rude."
"I suppose," Virginia nodded. "But Phillis and I would be glad of the company, wouldn't we?"
"Of course," Phillis nodded, glancing up at Edmund.
"And we have plenty of space with Elmer leaving for Scotland soon. Lucy and Phillis could share, whilst Edmund could have Elmer's room. Oh, Helen, it all works out perfectly!"
"I suppose it does..." Helen sighed, considering it for a moment. "Oh, but I'd hate to disappoint Alberta and Harold and little Eustace."
"Disappoint?" Edmund spat. "They'd be over the moon if Lucy and I weren't there."
"Edmund," Mr. Pevensie warned his son.
"Sorry, Father," Edmund muttered, though the children knew what Edmund said had been truthful.
"Of course," Virginia nodded, not wanting to press Helen any further.
Phillis couldn't help but feel slightly disheartened at the news. Subconsciously, she pressed herself further into Edmund's grasp.

And then came the day that Elmer was to leave for Edinburgh. The Pevensies had arrived at the train station to wave him off. It was only a day before Phillis must say goodbye to Susan and Peter and Edmund and Lucy.

Virginia held her handkerchief up to her face, trying to catch the tears flailing from her eyes. Peter hugged his best friend ever so tightly. "Do us proud, okay?"
"Of course," Elmer nodded, turning to Edmund and Lucy. He hugged them both, smiling down at them.
"How is it you've gotten so big?" Elmer whispered to Lucy, who laughed through her tears.
"Ed," Elmer sighed, "your head will be on a stick if you don't treat Phillis properly, okay?"
Edmund nodded. Though everyone knew it was an empty threat as Elmer trusted Ed with his own life, let alone his baby sister's.
Mr and Mrs. Pevensie even shed a few tears at the sight of Elmer with his suitcase, about to board a train to war. Virginia took a good ten seconds to let her son out of her grasp. "If you don't come home," she muttered, kissing his forehead.
Susan pulled the tall boy into her arms, crying into his shoulder. When they pulled apart, he grabbed her face and kissed her. The sweet kiss lasted all of three and a half seconds before he smiled and pecked her teary cheeks. "Please come home," she whispered.
"I'll come visit you in America, I promise," he smiled.
Phillis embraced him as if she'd never see him again, for she wasn't sure that she would. No words were spoken between the two as no words were needed in the moment. The hug was enough to calm each other's nerves.
Elmer slipped into the train just as the doors shut. He found a compartment and waved his friends and family off as the train began to move. And just like that, he was gone.
Phillis leaned into Edmund, crying quietly.

And then, when Edmund and Lucy left for Cambridge, she'd been just as teary-eyed. Her and Lucy shared a tight hug, whilst her and Edmund shared a deep kiss. It felt as though everyone was slipping away from her.

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