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Phillis felt blood begin to pour from her thigh wound from all the attempted jogging she'd been doing

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Phillis felt blood begin to pour from her thigh wound from all the attempted jogging she'd been doing. She took a moment to sit on a log to inspect her wounds. The stab wound in her thigh was deep and spewing out crimson fluid. Her stomach wound was what she originally assumed to be a small slice, but it was much deeper and wider and longer than she'd originally anticipated. Her cheek was the least of her concerns. With a heavy grunt, she got up. She knew, if she lost enough blood, she'd die.

It took ten minutes for the perfect opportunity to arise. A Telmarine guard sat on his horse, a big black mare, clearly not paying much attention to whatever he was supposed to be guarding. He was alone and blissfully unaware of Phillis sneaking up behind him. He heard her at the last second. A second too late to stop Phillis. She played a sweet little tune on her flute. The man dropped off the horse, causing her to rear slightly. Phillis calmed the tall animal. In a moment of trust, Phillis fit her foot into the silver stirrup and climbed onto the mare. Though weak and in a great deal of pain, Phillis squeezed the horse into a gentle canter.

It took almost half an hour to reach the edge of the forest surrounding the How. She'd narrowly missed the camp in the woods that had been set up by Miraz and his troops. Phillis slid off of the mare, thanking her. She knew she couldn't understand her as the horses weren't like the ones she'd known when she ruled Narnia. Though, saying that, perhaps the horse could understand, she just couldn't speak, as she whinnied and blinked slowly. Phillis, as a thank you, removed the tack from the horse and allowed her to be free. She was certainly beautiful, but no match for Phillis' appaloosa stallion. The horse rubbed her head along Phillis' arm - perhaps the mare was thanking Phillis for helping her escape the Telmarines. The horse tossed her large head to and fro before galloping off into the forest.

Rows and rows of Miraz's troops had been lined up at the end of the clearing. Phillis limped towards the entrance, hoping she'd be too far away for Miraz to identify her. As she got in, Narnian troops looked at her, their mouths hung open. "Where are they?" Phillis asked, wincing.
"Through there, Your Majesty," a centaur pointed to a cave that they were all in.
'They' being her brother and the Pevensies. She emerged quietly, just as Peter and Caspian agreed on a plan. They all turned to see who had entered. "Phillis!" Edmund exclaimed, running towards her.
She expected him to pull her into a hug. But he didn't. He grabbed her face and kissed her. He kissed her so passionately that she almost forgot about all of her open wounds. She was drenched in her own blood, and certainly couldn't look any worse than she did. When he pulled away, he looked her up and down, "What did they do to you?"
Elmer tugged her into a hug, kissing her forehead lightly. The two Pevensie sisters embraced her, tears falling from their eyes. She knew she'd get interrogated about what happened between her and Edmund later, but she was living in the moment and she treasured it. Peter looked at the ground, feeling all too guilty. Phillis rolled her eyes, yanking him into a hug. "Why do you always manage to scare us like that?" he whispered.
"What can I say?" she breathed, "I've got to keep you all on your toes."
"You need to see a-" Caspian began, but the rest of his sentence just turned into a ringing noise.
Next thing she knew, she'd passed out.

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