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I wake up to the sound of cheering outside. I look around the plane and see that only about half the people were still sleeping, Van included. A pang of guilt washes over me as I realize I probably wore him out while he tried to comfort me last night. He laid on his side and his hair was covering his face. He had no shirt on, only because I was still wearing his sweatshirt, and I watched his chest rise and fall slowly as he breathed. He looked so peaceful.

Another cheer sounds from outside, distracting me from thinking about Van and last night. I rub the sleep from my eyes and stand up, slowly making my way outside.

Thankfully, it was much warmer outside now than it was last night. I'd take super hot weather over cold weather any day. I didn't need the hoodie on, but I left it on anyway.

The people that were making all the noise were down by the water. I couldn't quite make out what they were doing. I looked closer and saw that Sam, Bondy, Bob, Larry, Benji, and Daisy all down there. I feel like I shouldn't intrude. I don't know if they'd want me down there with them.

I stand still, unsure of what to do, until Sam notices me watching from a distance and starts walking over to me. "Mornin," he greets me with a smile.

"Good morning," I say. I felt uncomfortable around him, but it wasn't his fault. I was just scared Van would get upset if I was around other people. He didn't seem to like it too much when he found out Sam and I goofed off a little while we looked for water yesterday.

"You should come down with us. We're catchin fish. I'm not the best, but Bob caught a few," he says.

I look back at the plane and think of Van. He would get mad at me, I just know it. And we were just on such good terms last night, I think. It would be stupid of me to say yes to Sam, but I do it anyway. Van was asleep. He doesn't have to even know. "Okay," I give him a smile. "Probably can catch more than you," I challenge him.

"Yeah?" He says. "You're on, then. Just be prepared to lose." He shrugs his shoulders and looks at me with a smirk. We start walking to down to the rest of the group.

"You just said you were no good at this," I laugh.

"Well," he sighs. "That was before I had competition. I wasn't really trying."

"Got it," I say. "Makes sense."

"Hey, it's Tris and Sam," Larry says, waving at the two of us. He was the first to notice us since he was facing our direction. The rest turn to us and say their hellos as well.

"Gonna catch something for us?" Bondy asks me. He was wearing sunglasses and a bathing suit. He looked like the stereotypical vacationer. I nod my head. "Bob's in the lead with four. Everyone else is tied for second with none."

"Good thing I don't have to beat Bob, only Sam," I say, smiling at Sam who was standing in the water. He shakes his head, smirking, and before I can run away, he bends down and splashes water on me.

I gasp and roll up my sweatpants to just below my knees. I know I shouldn't get in the water because my cut could get infected, as Van would tell me, but I decided to do it anyway. My cut was looking a lot better today and the water looked clean. It was almost perfectly clear.

I stand in the water, only going about halfway to my knees and splash Sam back. The water felt nice and cool. "Tris," Bondy jokingly scolds from behind me. "That's just rude," he says.

I turn around and laugh. "He started it," I defend myself.

"He started it," Bondy mimics me in a high-pitched voice before splashing me.

"He did!" I say back, splashing him and then walking backwards, away from both of them to avoid any more splashes. My foot eventually hits a rock that was buried on the sea floor and I stumble backwards. I let out a scream and fall on my butt, soaking my sweatpants and the bottom of Van's sweatshirt.

"Ooh, you alright there, mate?" Bondy asks me, concerned. Sam hurries over to me and offers me a hand.

"Yeah, I'm good," I laugh. I grab Sam's hand with one hand and use my other to splash him with water. "You didn't think I'd give up that easily, did you?"

Sam shakes his head, amused. "Course not," he says.

I look back over at Bondy, expecting him to chime in with a sassy remark, but that's not what happens at all. Instead, I see him talking with Van. Van would glance over at us every few seconds as we make our way back to them. I looked down whenever he looked right at me. I could tell he wasn't happy. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to do this. I should have stayed in the plane until Van woke up.

"Morning," Van says to the both of us.

"Good morning, Van," Sam says back. I can tell he had a smile on his face by the tone of his voice. He didn't realize how petrified I was.

Van smiles at Sam. "Tris, can you come here for few?" Van asks me, although I knew it wasn't optional.

My stomach flips and I nod my head, stepping out of the water and following Van who has already begun walking away from the water. I wave at Bondy and Sam, giving them a small smile, before catching up with Van.

I walked next to Van, leaving a good amount of distance between us, as I was too scared to move any closer. How could I be so stupid as to go in the water? I wasn't thinking at all. I squeeze the bottom of Van's sweatshirt, trying my best to get as much water out as I could. Van didn't say anything as we walked far away from everybody else.

We finally stop, after about ten minutes of walking, ending up somewhere surrounded by trees. I think I remember walking down here with Sam yesterday. "Sit down," Van demands. He points to the big rock that we were standing in front of. I do as I was told and sit down, closing my eyes, hoping he won't be as mad as I think he is.

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