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Tris and I walk over to the fire area where everyone was sitting around and chatting. The sun was just beginning to go down. It was probably around five o'clock. I took a seat and motioned for Tris to sit down between me and Bondy.

I notice Benji and Daisy sitting together on the other side of the fire. His arm was around her and her head rest on his shoulder. I wish I could do the same with Tris outside of the plane, but I didn't want to start any false rumors that we were dating or anything. This uneasy feeling of not having Tris holding my hand or in my lap would last with me the whole night. Even though I'm just exaggerating, I could hardly stand knowing that someone could come over and quickly snatch her from me. I move a little closer to Tris in an attempt to feel a little less tense.

Bondy speaks up. "You lot were in there a while," he says. "Everything okay?" He looks up at me, a crooked smile on his face. I hated that Bondy could always read me so well. He probably knew that I had feelings for Tris already. He would be the first one I'd tell, but I'm not ready to have anyone know at the moment. I just hope no one else suspected anything.

I purse my lips. "Yeah, we're all good. Just talking," I say, giving Bondy wide eyes to let him know he should shut up about me and Tris. He only chuckles, knowing that I could never get too mad at him. He was my best friend after all.

"Say, where'd our guy Sam go? Haven't seen him in a few hours," Bondy says, sparking the interest of Tris.

She sits up straight and looks over at me and Bondy. "What do you mean you haven't seen him? Didn't he come back with you, Van?" She ask me. She sounded concerned and I knew she was only overthinking things.

"Yes, he did," I tell her. "I'm sure he's fine, alright? Probably went on a walk or something." I do my best to reassure her.

"But, what if-" she starts, a frown forming on her face. I know she felt anxious, she really does care about Sam.

"Tris," I interrupt her, looking at her with stern eyes. "Those 'what if' questions are coming back. Didn't I say that 'what if' questions were almost never true?"

She nods her head, the frown still on her face. "Yes, but he could be hurt," she says as her eyes begin to well with tears. I wanted nothing more than to give her a huge hug, hold her in my arms and never let her go, tell her that everything was going to be fine, but I knew I couldn't.

"He's not," I tell her. She looks up at me, her puppy dog eyes making me act soft again. "I promise, Tris. I promise you he's fine."

"Ok," she sighs in defeat and finally drops the subject.

"Thank you, love," I whisper, patting her back. She nods her head and looks down at the sand, making patterns with her fingers. I didn't mean to make her upset, but I can't have her always worrying like that. It's not good for her.


The evening turns to night quickly and it's almost pitch black outside. Tris has seemed to loosen up a bit and has joined in on the conversation Bondy and I were having. I'm glad she was getting at least a little more comfortable talking with us. If there's anyone here who I want Tris to feel like she can be her complete self around besides myself, it would be Bondy. I know him best and know he has only good intentions in his heart.

"You ready to head inside, Tris?" I ask her. She was resting her head on my side and I knew she must be exhausted. Especially after getting a poor night's sleep last night while sleeping on the sand.

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