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"Why don't you two come on outside, we're all hanging out," Bondy suggests, and I immediately look up at Van with hopeful eyes.

I didn't want to be stuck in the plane alone with Van if it meant I would have to stay mad at him. Really, I didn't want to be mad at him at all, but the plane was tense at the moment.  It reminded me of our argument, and I'm sure it did the same for Van. I knew if Bondy went back outside and we stayed in, I would be upset with Van again. And Van would be cocky with me again.

Van wasn't so sure about leaving though. I think part of him wanted us to stay. Because I knew he got a kick out of winding me up. "I'm thinking Tris and I would be best staying inside for tonight. We've both had a long night," he says. 

I pout, his decision disappointing me maybe a little more than it should have, and look over at Bondy with the same hopeful eyes I used with Van. Bondy would definitely be able to convince Van to let us go outside, they had that kind of relationship. If one person could get Van to do something, it was Bondy. And I think that is because Bondy is one of the few people who doesn't have even a little fear of Van. 

Bondy notices my disappointed state and gives me a wink. "Can't keep yourselves locked up in here forever, mate. Probably safer out there anyway, with all us and everything," he says.

"Eh, I'm not worried about being safe. I just think Tris needs to get some rest. She'll be safe wherever she is, as long as she's with me," Van says. He scruffs my hair with his hand, messing it up.

I pat my hair back down and glare at Van for messing with it in the first place, not that it probably looked good to begin with. "I don't need rest. I'm not even tired," I argue, a sass in my voice that I wasn't even expecting from myself.

"See, the girl isn't even tired," Bondy says with the same sass I had, only his was obviously intentional.

"Hmm," Van hums. "Well, I'm not buying it."

 I look back up at Van, hoping my puppy dog eyes will be enough to convince him. "Van, please," I say, dragging out the word 'please.' "Please, please, please. I promise I'll be good, and I won't leave your side."

Van shakes his head. "That's something I've heard from you before," he says, smiling. "And I don't recall you ever really keeping that promise," he adds.

"You and me, Van. Both of us, we'll make sure she's safe. Let her have some fun, right?" Bondy says.

Van looks over at Bondy and remains quiet as he thinks of what he wants to say, whether or not he'll let me go outside. I admire his jaw, the way it was clenched, and his lips, the way they were pressed into a line as he thought.

"Am I going to regret this, Bonds? Won't be the first time you go making me do something stupid," Van says, a chuckle at the end. I bite my lip, waiting for Van to finally give in and let me go out.

Bondy shakes his head. "Nah, mate. Think you could use some fun too," he says. He reaches his arm out for me to grab, which I do, and when he pulls me up I let out a giggle. 

"Yeah, Van," I say, now I was teasing him as I leaned against Bondy's chest. "You're being boring."

"I am now, aren't I?" Van asks. "Fine the, lass. You go out." He smirks up at me, and I'm sure Bondy saw, but I knew it didn't have the same effect on him as it did for me. I doubt he had even noticed it.

I frown and open my mouth, ready to speak, but I stop myself and bring my thumb up to my mouth instead. 

"Something wrong?" He asks. He stands up and grabs my hand , pulling my thumb away from my mouth. "Thought you wanted to go out, didn't you?"

"But...I thought you would want to come with me," I whisper, feeling ashamed. 

Maybe Van realized he doesn't care what happens to me now. Maybe I broke his rules one too many times, and now he doesn't care. He probably wishes he never spent his time looking for me. All he ever seems to do it take care of me, after all. I wouldn't enjoy that if I were him either.

"I'm only playing with you, darlin. You know I'm not gonna be leaving you alone like that. Not anymore," Van tells me. "C'mere," he motions with his hand and when I walk to him, he holds me against his side, his hand wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Yous ready now. We keep this up, it's gonna be pitch black before we even get outside," Bondy chuckles. He pats Van on the shoulder as he starts walking toward the plane door.

"Right behind you, Bonds," Van calls out, then leans down to my level and whispers in my ear. "Do not make me regret this, Tris. Tell me that you'll be a good girl." His voice was deep, serious, and I knew he wasn't completely comfortable with the idea of taking me outside. He looks at me, holding my face steady in his hand, waiting for me to reply.

"I'll be a good girl," I say and bite back the smile forming on my lips.

And once he sees my faint smile, he smirks too. "That's what I thought," he says. He grabs my hand and brings it close to his face. "I'm not risking losing you anymore," he tells me, kissing the top of my hand before. "I'm just not going to do it."

I nod my head. "I know, Van," I say, and when he stands up straight again, I surprise him by wrapping my arms around his neck. "Lift me up."

"Anything for you, princess," he says, chuckling at my demand. I liked being held by Van, I felt safe. And I know he liked it too, for the same reason as me. He holds me up, one hand on my back, the other on my bum, and I squirm, trying to get comfortable. "Comfy?"

"Mhm," I hum into his neck. "Van?" I whisper, my breath tickling his neck.

"What is it, honey?" He asks as he starts walking to the door of the plane. Bondy must have already left because I didn't see him standing there. I couldn't blame him, though. Van and I were taking a while just to get outside.

"Can I stop being mad at you now?" I ask, my voice fragile, my question making him laugh.

"Hmm," he acts like he was thinking for a moment and traces circles on my back with his fingers before saying, "of course you can, sweets."

"Oh, and Van?" I say his name again, playing with the ends of his hair.


"Please don't stop calling me love." I whisper. He already started back up with the nicknames, but I wanted to let him know that I liked them still.

"Wouldn't dream of it, love."

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