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"You love her?" I ask, my heart beating fast. It was funny how Sam's words could cause the same amount of anger in me as Mike's group. I wasn't mad at Sam, though. I was mad that I couldn't admit my feelings that I have for Tris. The feelings I've had since the first time I talked to her. When she was sitting next to her dead sister. I was harsh to her. Maybe a little too harsh.

"Yeah, I think so," he tells me. "I've never felt... how I feel about her with anyone else." He was uneasy, almost awkward talking about his love, but at least he could bring it up at all. I admired him for that.

"Yeah? I know how you feel," I say, figuring it would be best to leave the conversation at that. I didn't have it in me to continue talking about Tris with him. Tris liked Sam, it was obvious, and I know she would take him over me any day. I needed to show her that she needs me because she does. She needs me just as much as I need her, even if she doesn't realize it yet.

The five of us continue walking. It was silent, but not an uncomfortable silence, just a tired silence. There wasn't anything to talk about, really, and I didn't want to talk about anything. I just wanted to be back with Tris.

We finally reach the end of the forest. The plane was in sight and I couldn't be more happy to see it because I knew who waited inside for me.

"I'm gonna clean my face off," I say, pointing toward the water. I could feel the blood drying on my face and I didn't want Tris to be scared when she saw me in the morning.

Bondy follows me toward the water. "You alright, mate?" He asks me, catching up and walking next to me.

I nod my head. "Yeah. Just glad that tonight's over," I say. I lean down to the water and splash the cold water on my face, using my fingers to wipe off the dirt and blood. "How're you? You get your ass beat back there?" I joke with him.

"Maybe just a little," he goes along with it, though I know he was only kidding. He starts washing his own face off. Bondy was strong, perhaps even as strong as I was. If I didn't believe he could handle a fight, I wouldn't have brought him. "What's up with you, Van? You're acting funny."

I run my hands through my hair and stand up. "I'm a little worried about Tris. I can't have Mike getting near her. I'm trying to give her some freedom, I know that's what she wants but I can't do that when she's practically being hunted by Mike. You heard what Sam was saying," I rant to Bondy. If I didn't give her more freedom she'd hate me, but if I did she'd be at even more risk.

Bondy nods his head, understanding. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but I've talked to her a little. She's a little intimidated by you... tells me she doesn't know if you actually like her or not," he tells me.

I groan, hating that she still didn't trust me completely. "I try to tell her that everything I do is to protect her," I complain. "Because it it."

"I know. You know that, and I know that, but Tris has only known you for however long we've been on this island. She's gotta get used to you, Van. It may take longer than you'd like, but it'll happen," Bondy tries to comfort me.

"You're right," I say. I don't bother revealing what Sam had said to me earlier, about his love for Tris. I could tell Bondy was tired and I didn't want to keep him up any longer. I wanted to get back inside to see Tris, anyway. "Ready to head inside?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he says.

Bondy walks onto the plane first and I follow behind him. "Argh, Larry's in my bed," Bondy whispers, trying not to disturb everyone else who was sleeping.

I chuckle and look over to see Tris, but she wasn't there. My stomach flipped and my heart felt like it stopped working. I immediately walk to the back of the plane where Sam slept. I was praying for her to be with him, but I knew that probably wasn't the case. I should have known better than to leave her here. Tris was so desperate to help. She must have left when Larry fell asleep. I should have told Larry not to fall asleep, not to let Tris out of sight.

As I suspected, I see no Tris, only Sam. Quickly, I make my way back to the front of the plane. "Bondy, Tris is gone," I say. Before he has a chance to respond, I walk out of the plane.

"Shit!" I yell, kicking the sand and feeling it fall back down onto my bare feet. Tris could be anywhere right now, with anyone. Who knows where she could have gone looking?

Bondy rushes out and walks over to me. "Van, we'll find her, come on," he says, motioning for me to follow with his hand gesture. I felt horrible having him come with me when I knew he would want to be sleeping, but I could use all the help I could get right now. Four eyes are better than two.

"God, Bondy. How are we goin to find her?" I ask, catching up with him. We were walking toward the woods again. "When we find her...she'll be in serious trouble." I shake my head. Tris never seemed to learn, and it made me think that maybe I wasn't hard enough on her. Maybe she needed more discipline in her life.

"Don't be too harsh," Bondy warns me. "You don't want to scare her too bad."

We start walking straight back into the woods and my hopes of finding her immediately decrease as I remember just how big the woods are. It didn't help that it was dark outside. We got lucky with Sam, finding him in only a few hours, but I had a feeling Tris wouldn't be as easy to find.

"I won't," I sigh, though I don't know how true my statement was going to be.

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