Party Talk

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Have your gramp's ever done anything with these "No not that I know of" I looked at the detail of it.

But why it looks so familiar to me maybe I'm having deja vu or something yea that's probably what it is.

Hey ruby can you give me a hand with these lights, Ruby came over we both picked up the box then placing it on the table.

I plugged the light up beautiful "it so is I never know that he had this, Think we could use it for the party?"

Maybe what about a light party?

"Hm..I don't quite follow?"

Everyone in the house right we have light a starry night party wine and dine look up at the stars together.

"Sounds nice but I know your thinking about something a bit more....wild"

I looked at her what do you mean ruby?

"How about a half in half"

Okay I'm listening as I untangle the lights.

"So one party starry night the other how about we bring stripper's"

Um..I don't know about that ruby.

"Oh come on gramp's have like only lived once come on".

Fine fine if that's the cause your doing the other half alone.

Ruby had pout at me "Your no fun but that means we can have 2 dressed one elegant dress for strray night and one well a hoe dress".

Hm..interesting okay but make sure you get everything done by either today or tomorrow.

"Okay also let's have some of the woman leave early we don't need them having a heart attack".

God you hear her right?

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