Drunk Texting

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Me and ruby having a bomb ass time I don't know how many shots I took to the head.

Next thing I know I had my phone in my hand I don't know what I was doing but I felt my fingers move.

15 maybe 20 mins later hard for me to keep up with the time since I'm drunk as fuck.

I think I was talking to my ex no yall do not need to hear his name I mean know his name.

Cause that bitch is irrelevant as fuck "The hell you wearing this shit for?, Showing off what's mine".

It's not yours anymore you lost it when I caught you in bed with my cousin "I was drunk" motherfucker you don't drink around a 14 year old.

"Listen keke I just got out of prison and I don't need that shit" oh really does your ass hurt?

"Dammm that's deep keke" I looked at ruby laughing not as deep as that man was pounding that ass.

We broke out in laughter, They ought to take your ass back to jail "You know what I'm getting really tired of your ass".


Watching the whole thing from afar the body language of that man he looked like he wanted to hurt keke.

I'm against men laying hands against women I walked over well since keke and ruby are absolutely drunk I highly doubt they will remember anything.

There you are baby I slapped keke's ass playfully then pulled her into my body looking at the boy.

"So you dating old nigga's now?" He was looking at keke.



He maybe a little bit older but you but hey let's face it he can last longer than you, Haven't got raped in the ass, oh not to mention he ain't a little BITCH.

"Ooooo" ruby laughed.

"Shut the fuck up" I looked at the man next to me he felt tense he gently moved me back.

"Stay here okay sweetie" he pecked my cheek with a kiss then next thing I know "Bam!!!".

A lot of people took out there phones me and ruby stand side by side holding hands.

"That's your new man now?"

I looked I ruby guess so we both looked at each other now "Hopefully we remember".

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