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Ruby had gotten everything together for her part of the party or should I say the after party looking at my ankle almost there I can't wait for it to get fully healed.

Maybe I could go to this little party after all since my ankle is getting better by the second now for what type of dress should I wear though it was a star event type of party I think maybe something short cute and white.

I think a white dress will reflect the lights yea I think I'll go with white.



I got the Dj booth set up in the back to where the pool was I cannot wait I'm really super happy I don't know why maybe because my girlfriend will be there.

It's been like 3 days and I haven't seen her I hope and pray to god that she is alright.



Whatever that those girl's have planned hopefully it's entertaining and not to much over the top well then again if anything maybe I should worry just a bit.

Since ruby did help out it's ruby so yea I should worry, But for what keke had going on I wonder why she needs all of those light's.

Only thing that she told me was to dress up nicely she said I didn't have to go all tux out for this event so maybe something simple will do, I kinda want to know what will she be wearing.

Maybe she could if her ankle gets better.

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