Sequel (Sugar Baby)

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It's so hard I can't even pay student loans I could be a stripper but I don't want to do that but I have no choice walking out of my apartment to the nearest club heading straight into the boss office.

"Hm your pretty, small, good body, You're hired"

I looked at him um....okay 

"Go meet the other girls, Also stage name?"

I don't know 


Going to meet the other girls since I got the job I guess this will be my first night on the floor getting ready with the other girls since it's my first night I'll be a cage dancer I'm fine with that but getting stared at is a whole different thing.

Dancing around in the cage seeing hungry men stare at me lot's of them came over to stick money in the cage, There was this one man but he was very young looking he was staring he never came over to the cage until it was closing time.

He gave me 10 Grand on the

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