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After making it home from working at the club I told myself as soon as school start tomorrow I'm paying my whole loan off.

Putting on my bodysuit onesie that had the pattern of the cookie monster.

Setting up my laptop to finish the rest of my assignments only thing I had left was since I was studying the art of medicine.

Sad to say but my life went a little more like this, I was always in the hospital as a child my mother used to visit me until one day she stopped.

I never met my father but to tell you the truth it all seems like a distant memory now, it's sad you know.

I don't even remember the face of my mother anymore even her voice.

"Hey girl you need anything?" No I reply looking at my friend aiko who was standing in my door way.

Long story short me and aiko met in the hospital when I was sick since I had a weak body and all she always visited me.

We both came to college together and somehow became roommates.

She left out of my room I went over to my desk the get the remaining paperwork that I had.

So much work I let out a long sigh I now have finally finished the last of it thank God.

I left out of my room to go chill with aiko I told her everything that happened with the club.

"Girl that's crazy, What if one of our professors see you there girl?"

Aiko there's nothing I can possibly do about it a regular job like fast food or at gas station won't help me.

"Okay your right but still be careful okay better yet everytime you go into work I should come with you."

No no no you have a lot of things to do aiko I shook my head no.

"Uh I'm going and that's final."

Someone's motherly instincts are coming out I laughed.

"Har har har very funny but I love you too much for something to happen to you so I'm going that's final Freya.

Yes mam.

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