The End???

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Omg Jay my water just broke, Jay had already made a go back just in case this day ever came.

Rush into the car now speeding his way to the hospital, "yea ruby she's having the baby you know what hospital to go too".

Making it into a room "hey keke how you feeling" ruby talking all sweetly and whatnot.

I'm in pain it hurts so damn bad and please don't tell me to hee hee woo woo type of breathing cause it don't work.

Owwwwwww ruby call the doctor quick, Ruby then ran out the room into the hallway.

Doctor's rushed in "okay honey your about to have your baby I need you to push on three okay?"

I nodded Jay then came to my bed side holding my hand "push baby".

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"One more time"

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Hearing my baby cry for the first time brought tears to my eyes I brought a little life onto this earth I'm so happy to met you my son.

"I'm a father"

Jay kissed my cheek "we will go clean your baby and bring him back here"

Jay sweetie go follow them okay I don't trust people babies get switched at birth and kidnapped all the time so go.

He then left after 5 minutes later they came back along with jay.

He then left after 5 minutes later they came back along with jay

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"Baby names anyone?" Ruby asked

How about Jamie?

"That's a nice name now middle name and last name"

"Jamie rome Jones"

Wow that was fast I was now holding little Jamie in my arms.

Then a father walk in as in father of a church


"Well baby let's get married today baby"

Why not

"Now do you take this man to be your-"

Yes I do

"And do you take this woman as your-"

"Hell yea I do"

"Now you make kiss the bride"


We then put each other rings on, This was our happiest moment of our life.


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