That Morning

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Cooking breakfast for everyone ruby was already down here talking a mile a minute about how she is going to get her girlfriend back.

To be honest I don't care I just care about my little girl who should be up soon.

She came downstairs so quietly fixing her a place she was walking funny I smiled a little thinking in my mind I fucked her real good.

"Girl your glowing that must mean you got that bomb D" she shook her head no.

"It wasn't that good ruby I was so mad I had to leave in the middle of the night" 

keke sat across from ruby so I sit down next to her hopefully ruby shouldn't suspect anything since she's on a booty chase.

"So ruby how are things with your ex" while ruby and keke went back and forth talking I had my hand on her thigh.

Moving it up slowly teasing her under the table while I watch her try to seem like everything is cool.

"I got to go me and my ex are going on a date she just don't know it yet" ruby rushed out the door leaving me and keke alone by ourselves. 



So it was you why did you do it I looked at him thinking about each and every possible case he can come up with.

"Because your mine simple as is" My mouth dropped opened you then I chuckled you don't own shit jay.

"Excuse me" he raised his eye brow oh your excused jay it all happened so fast I was now over his knee.

"Your mine" no the fuck I'm not "Slap" I gasped "Now who own's you keke?" not you old ass princess peach bitch ass I mumbled.

"Oh baby I'm not that old I can still hear" me and my dumb-ass mouth I got spanked so many times.

I was so wet cause the authority in his voice and the spanking I just received made it worse "Awww is my little girl horny" I rolled my eyes.

"Slap" "I asked you a question" yes 

"Yes what?" Yes daddy

"Good girl now that wasn't so hard to say" He pushed me over the table he tied my hands together with his belt.

"Stay right there" he came back with something I don't know what but I wasn't about to be nosey then get a spanking afterwards.

He ate me out while I was bent over the table I felt something cool on my ass which made me moan even more it's so cold.

Spanking me as he ate this kitty after that he made me cum 3 times I was so tired he carried me up to his room and gently placed me on the bed.

He softly rub some vaseline on my butt I moaned out a little due to the coldness of it "Good girl daddy will take good care of you".

He kissed my cheek turned on the tv and left.

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