Student Loan

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As soon as that building was opened up I hopped out of bed and took me a shower and made my way up to that building.

After handing half the money I earned from the club I know that I'm going to need more but working there was just a one time thing.

Attending all of my classes I was now changing out of my regular clothes into my diner clothes.

I don't feel like going into work today but I have no choice picking up my phone calling the club.

"Hey um yea it's me the new girl that worked at the club yesterday"

"Wait what?"

"Um...yea I'll make sure to stop by"

Hanging up the phone well that was a surprising phone call but I wonder why he needs me to come there.

Finally making it to the diner clocking in I was giving out menu's and practically breaking my back.

Going back and forth like a chicken with my head cut off only 5 more hours of this.

I sigh it was now finally closing time and it was late as hell and the bad thing is that I don't have a car.

Siting on the bench I was now waiting for the bus to pull up it took me back to the college.

God all this running around I need a car so badly.

Taking a nice long shower "I wonder what should I wear to the club"?.

Throwing on some jeans and a  Spaghetti strap shirt I was now ready to go back to the club.

Taking another bus to the club and making it there.

"Now let's see what's going on".

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