Day 1 - Pranks

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"Bro, I don't know about this," Nino admitted, staring at Adrien and watching his face fall.

"Really? Do you think she won't like it, like last time?" he wondered, a frown growing on his face.

"No, that's not what I meant," Nino told him, adjusting the rim of his hat and trying to figure out how to make him understand, almost wanting to laugh at the situation.

"So she will like it! Good, because she should be here any second!" Adrien grinned, turning to peek around the corner and out of the school doors.

Nino decided to let the situation play out instead of interfering, knowing not too much harm would come from it.

It was only a few minutes before the last bell was going to ring, and Marinette appeared in front of the school, looking rushed as always. Before she could finish up the stairs, Alya called her name, just as Adrien planned.

"Marinette! Over here," Alya called, and Marinette looked up to see her best friend holding a wrapped gift box. She stopped dead in her tracks.

"What's this?" she wondered, both Adrien and Nino listening from around the corner.

"I don't know, girl! It was left at my doorstep and had a note to give it to you on the front steps of the school," she relayed, and Marinette was silent for a few seconds. Adrien wished he could see her face, if only to make sure she wasn't annoyed by such a thing.

"Is this a prank?" Marinette asked, and Adrien wanted to cheer. Those were exactly the words he wanted to hear.

"I have no clue," Alya replied. "But you should open it!"

"What? No! I don't even know who it's from," Marinette reminded her.

"What if it's from a secret admirer? Or from Adrien?" her best friend suggested, and Marinette snorted.

"But it's not my birthday or anything! And Adrien? Why would he give me a gift?" she wondered.

"Just open it! I'm dying to see what it is!" Alya exclaimed, and Marinette gave in.

"Okay, okay," she sighed, beginning to open the gift. When she finally had, she blinked rapidly, confused.

"A sewing kit?" she wondered aloud.

"Weren't you saying you needed a new one?" Alya asked, then squeaked. "It has to be someone in class, Mari!"

"Do you think so? No, it can't be! It's just a coincidence," she spoke, shaking her head and feeling very perplexed about the whole thing.

Adrien grinned, signaling for Nino and him to get going. They both headed upstairs to Ms. Bustier's class to wait for what Adrien had planned next.

When the girls walked through the door, just after the bell rang, Ms. Bustier stopped them.

"I'm sorry we're late, Ms. Bustier," Marinette apologized, but Ms. Bustier shook her head.

"This was on my desk this morning with instructions to deliver it to you," their teacher explained, handing Marinette another gift of about the same size as the first.

"For me?" Marinette asked incredulously, looking stunned. Ms. Bustier nodded, handing it to her with a smile. Adrien tried not to smile too widely, seeing Marinette's features soften as she opened the second gift.

"Girl, that's the most Marinette-esque pin cushion I've ever seen," Alya commented as Marinette admired the pink and white polka-dotted cushion.

Ms. Bustier asked them to head to their seats as Adrien ducked his head, happier than he thought he would be. This prank was definitely going better than the last one.

As the day progressed, Marinette got three more gifts. In her locker before gym, she received a new pair of fabric scissors, the best money could buy. At lunch, the principal came to deliver a brand new, top of the line sewing machine. That one had Marinette speechless. Adrien was extremely proud of himself.

Finally, after school was out, there was one last gift.

Adrien followed after Marinette and Alya, listening to Marinette go through the possibilities of what was going on, laughing to himself when she thought it might be an "anonymous gift-giving Akuma."

As Alya parted ways with Marinette, Adrien made his move.

"Hey, Marinette!" he called, watching her freeze, slowly turning to meet his gaze.

"Hey," she drew out, laughing nervously. Adrien wondered if she was wary of another gift.

"All those gifts today were crazy, huh?" he commented, and she glanced down at her new sewing machine.

"Yes!" she squeaked out, laughing again. Adrien chuckled lightly, holding his hands behind his back.

"Well, someone asked me to give you something as well," he said, watching her eyes widen.

"R-really?" she stuttered, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Are they trying to kill me?"

"No no, Marinette," he assured her, wondering why she'd gotten so nervous at his arrival.

He pulled the final present out from behind his back, and she furrowed her eyebrows as he handed it to her.

Marinette stared down at it. It wasn't wrapped, the small ticket gently wiggling in Marinette's shaky hands.

"Is this..." she breathed out as she read what was printed on the ticket. "To--to Gabriel Agreste's fa-fa-fashion show?"

"Yeah! It's on the 19th," he said, pointing to the date on the ticket with a big smile. He looked back up at her, seeing her face had lost all color.

"Marinette? Are you okay?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder so she wouldn't fall over.

"Y-yeah, I'm just..." she trailed off, staring down at the ticket in disbelief. After a few seconds, she looked up at him, back at the ticket, and then back into his eyes. He knew she was more than smart enough to figure it out.

"Who asked you to give this to me?" she wondered, and he grinned, taking in a big breath.

"Actually, I decided to give it to you! All of these gifts today were a prank to apologize for that horrible prank I played on you at the Grévin Wax Museum," he explained, watching her eyes widen again. "I'm really sorry about that, Marinette, but I hope you'll accept all my gifts."

He watched the gears turn in her head and the blush decorate her cheeks. He found himself taking note of how many freckles dotted her cheeks when she spoke once more.

"I forgive you, Adrien," she smiled, and he sighed out in relief.

"I'm really glad," he smiled back, and she looked away quickly, back down at the ticket.

"I can't thank you enough," she said, looking up at him.

"You're welcome, Marinette!" he grinned at her, seeing her cheeks flush again and wondering why. Before he could think about asking, the silver car that was always waiting for him honked impatiently.

"I hope you enjoy all your gifts. I'll see you tomorrow!" Adrien spoke as he began to walk to the car. He waved goodbye to her, seeing her still look completely surprised.

He smiled to himself the whole way home, overjoyed that Marinette still thought of him as a friend.


thank you for reading! let me know what you thought!

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now