Day 5 - Statue

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As Marinette stared up at the towering statue, she felt someone's eyes on her. She figured it was probably Alya, so she kept taking notes for her research project.

The Louvre wasn't as crowded that day as she'd expected, which made it a lot easier to concentrate. Ms. Bustier was wandering around and making sure everyone was working, but she could hear Alix and Kim running around somewhere in the vicinity.

Marinette had just finished a sloppy sentence in her notebook about marble when she heard footsteps approaching her. She turned to greet Alya, but she found Adrien instead.

"Hi, Marinette," he smiled, carrying his bag on his shoulder and his notebook in his other hand.

"Oh, hey!" she said, turning back around. She quickly wondered if she'd be able to concentrate on her assignment with him there so close to her.

As he moved to stand next to her, both of them studying the statue, Marinette remembered the incident at the Grévin Wax Museum. Thinking of how much she'd embarrassed herself in front of him made her spine crawl, a blush rising up into the tips of her ears.

"Are you okay, Marinette?" he suddenly asked, and she realized he'd seen her squirm under the pressure of that memory.

"Oh, yeah, I'm just," she started, looking at his worried expression. "I'm just thinking about how I'm sorry for thinking you were a statue that one time," she finished, pulling her gaze from his so she wouldn't see his reaction. She was glad she'd gotten that sentence out without a hitch.

"I'm sorry, too," he spoke, and she let herself look back at him, seeing only a soft stare in return.

As Marinette thought about the whole situation one more time, the hilarity of it rang through her mind, and she let out a small laugh. She thought she might've given him the wrong idea by laughing at his apology, but he let out a laugh as well, his lighthearted countenance quelling her anxiety.

They both turned back to the statue, Adrien taking notes as they stood there in comfortable silence, which Marinette was surprised by but welcomed nonetheless.

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, watching his concentration remain steady. She felt her heart hiccup as she thought about how she'd stroked his face, how she'd been close enough to smell him, how close she'd been to kissing him.

Adrien must have felt her eyes on him, his own breaking from his previous focus to look back at her. She didn't look away, and he didn't either, her heart fluttering and wondering how green could be such a rich and beautiful color.

He was the first to pull away, scratching the back of his neck as he turned his back to her. Marinette blinked in surprise as she thought she'd seen him blushing, but she quickly dismissed it as a trick of the light.

"There's a really cool piece over here," he said, gesturing around the corner. He glanced back at her briefly, and she smiled.

"Let's check it out!" she spoke, following him through the museum.

At the end of the day, Marinette didn't feel so much shame when she remembered what had happened. Because of it all, she learned how kindhearted and good natured her crush could be.

Even if he was in love with another girl.


thank you all for reading! short and sweet.

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now