Day 23 - Banana Suit Reveal

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Marinette walked through the doors to Adrien's house, Alya by her side. Last time she'd been there, she may or may not have been wearing a mustache. Needless to say, she was glad she didn't have to wear a disguise to get into her boyfriend's house that time.

Adrien had decided to throw another party while his father was away, but he wanted it to be just his classmates that time. Well, his classmates and Wayhem. Marinette was happy that Adrien wanted to invite everyone over, even if that meant disobeying his father's rules. He deserved to have some fun.

The two girls hurried up to his room, opening the door and hearing the music already playing, and Marinette was relieved that it was much quieter than last time.

Everyone had gotten there before them, but they were all excited when they finally arrived. Even Chloe had come, lounging on Adrien's couch like a queen. Marinette could tell that having everyone there had lifted Adrien's spirits, his eyes bright and his smile just as radiant as he came over to greet the two of them.

"Hey Alya!" Adrien grinned, kissing both her cheeks. He moved to look at Marinette, surprising her by pulling her into a big hug, lifting her feet off the ground and spinning her around. She laughed happily, holding on tight.

"I'm so glad you could come," he told her once he'd put her down. She smiled up at him, seeing the warmth in his eyes as she reached up to kiss his cheek.

"I wouldn't miss it," she told him, watching him blush just a little. She still felt proud knowing she could fluster him.

"Come say hi to everyone," he said enthusiastically, taking her hand and intertwining his fingers with her own. She greeted everyone, seeing that the party felt a lot more laidback than last time. She officially met Wayhem, discovering he was a nice guy and was also absolutely thrilled to be at the party. Knowing Adrien had made another friend made her smile.

They grabbed some punch and sat down, his arm wrapping around her shoulders.

"This is great, Adrien," she said, looking up at him.

"I know. I love breaking the rules," he chuckled, and she nudged him with her shoulder, laughing along.

"Sometimes it's necessary," she teased, setting her cup down on the coffee table. She moved closer to him, feeling his arm tighten around her.

"You're cute," he spoke, and she smiled, blushing a little. She looked up at him, seeing a slight smirk on his lips. She reached up and touched his cheek, watching his eyes search her own.

"You're a dork," she replied, moving to kiss him softly. He laughed against her lips, making her smile. He kissed back, the arm around her shoulders pulling her closer. Just as Marinette began to reach up to mess up his hair in an attempt to fluster him, she heard someone whistle, both of them breaking apart from each other. They both blushed, hearing multiple laughs echo around the room.

They pulled apart, embarrassed and moving to take a sip of their drinks.

"Hey, Adrien!" Kim called, and Adrien perked up, still red.

"Yeah?" he replied, clearing his throat as he sat up.

"Mind if I check out your closet?" he wondered, using his thumb to point behind him. Adrien waved a carefree hand.

"Knock yourself out," he told him, sitting back against the couch as Kim walked off. He looked back at Marinette, smiling and admiring her for a few moments.

"I can break my father's rules, but I can't even kiss my girlfriend," he teased, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She leaned into his touch, giggling.

"No one ever said that," she said, moving closer again. She was about to close her eyes when she watched his become wide, looking behind her. She turned to look, trying to understand the panic she'd seen in his eyes. Before she continued to wonder, it became clear.

Kim had come out of Adrien's closet wearing a Banana suit, flexing his muscles and shouting out the famous catchphrase. Marinette peeked back at Adrien, trying not to think too hard about it all. But as she watched his panic turn to problem solving, she couldn't help but let her mind wander.

"Where'd you get this, man?" Kim chuckled, the suit muffling his voice. Adrien tried to laugh naturally, but Marinette knew him too well at his point. Maybe even more so than she thought. She watched his reaction closely.

"I don't even know where that came from," he laughed, standing up to go meet him. People were staring and laughing, some coming up to touch it. Marinette's mind was racing, trying to think of what it meant. When she realized there was only one explanation that made any sense, she felt herself starting to panic as well. But she kept watching her boyfriend.

"Is it cool if I wear it?" Kim asked, flexing again. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, his shoulders tense.

"Yeah! You can keep it," he told him, and Kim stopped in his tracks.

"Seriously?" he spoke, and Adrien chuckled nervously.

"Of course!" he nodded, and Kim was so excited that if anyone else had noticed Adrien's panic, they forgot quickly. But not Marinette.

She calmed her features as he began to walk back over, and she could see the relief radiating from his body. Every alarm was going off in her mind, but she tried to ignore the similarities that were showing themselves, the coincidences that were popping up, and the small hints that became large signs that said "it's me."

Adrien sat back down next to her, his features softening again. She watched him look around and smile like he did when he was truly enjoying himself, and she decided right then that she would wait until they were alone to say anything. But her mind wasn't going to keep quiet.

The party went on, and Marinette tried to act as normally as possible. At one point, she went into the bathroom to vent to Tikki, who was also pretty tense, but she told Marinette not to worry.

She stayed behind to help him clean his room afterwards, the two of them finding fun in sweeping the floors and dancing while doing so. She tried to forget what had happened for the time being, but as she tied up the last bag of trash, she knew she'd failed. She looked over at her boyfriend, wondering if Plagg had been in the room the whole time. She shook her head, trying to fill herself with determination.

Adrien looked up at her, as if sensing her resolve.

"Mari?" he asked, tilting his head at her. She walked over, coming to stand right in front of him. She looked up, watching his emerald eyes become confused.

"So," she drew out, keeping eye contact. "Bananoir, huh?" she asked, sounding a lot more like Ladybug than she'd intended. He blinked at her a few times, and then the realization hit him.

She wished she'd caught it on camera. 


thank you all for reading! it means so much to me <3

i hope you enjoyed! this month is almost over!!

mel x 

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