Day 20 - Photoshoot

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Marinette took a deep breath. The time had finally come to impress everyone.

She stepped into the studio early in the morning, seeing the camera crew beginning to set up, and she took a deep breath in. She wanted to do her best.

A job at Gabriel Agreste's company was no joke. He saw something in her that he liked, and she wanted to prove herself everyday. That day was her first day as a stylist on set. She'd spent the last few weeks gathering high quality designs for the latest trends and collecting the wardrobe as Mr. Agreste designed them himself and had them made. She had a great lineup planned for the shoot, and she was glad she would be working with someone she knew.

Adrien had arrived long before her, sitting at the hair and makeup vanity. The people around him were trying to keep him awake, which she'd heard was a common problem.

Marinette began to walk over, trying to steel herself. It wasn't that she didn't want to see him because she did. He had seemed pretty down after Kagami and him had broken up, and then summer break happened, and she'd heard he still hadn't been all that cheery. She didn't know if knowing that he was single would stir some of her old feelings for him again. She was going to try to focus on her job and be professional.

Marinette and Luka had split up not too long ago, deciding to go separate ways on their paths to find themselves. They agreed that maybe it wasn't the right time for them to be together. Marinette felt pretty lonely every once in a while, but she had her friends, and Luka and her still kept in touch.

As she approached him, she wondered how Adrien was coping.

"Good morning," Marinette smiled at everyone, and they turned to greet her. As she moved around to be able to see Adrien's face as he sat in his chair, she was surprised to see that he had a big grin. He looked wide awake after hearing her voice.

"Marinette! No one told me you'd be here today," he smiled, makeup being applied as he talked.

"I'm the stylist for today," she told him, seeing him look excited. It made her heart jump a little.

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you," he spoke, and his makeup artist turned his chin impatiently, Adrien chuckling out an apology.

"I'll see you in the dressing room," Marinette told him, and he waved as she turned to go. She wondered to herself if he was just in a good mood or if her being there was what had brightened his spirits.

She set down her bag in the dressing room, grabbing a water bottle from the snack table and running through her outfit list once more. She checked the clothing rack for all the pieces, feeling lucky to be able to style such amazing clothing. Mr. Agreste had such an eye for beauty and knew exactly what kind of colors and styles looked best on Adrien. It was incredible to her and something she admired. Although, it was one of the only things she admired about Adrien's father.

After another few minutes of preparation, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" she called, seeing Adrien walk into the room looking tired but with the perfect amount of makeup to highlight his features. He ambled over in his pajamas, but he still had a smile aimed in her direction. He sat down on the couch, looking up at her with a yawn.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, and she tensed a little. Could he tell that she felt a little shy around him, even still? Especially because she was going to be in the room with him while he changed?

"I would be if I was working under my father for the first time," he told her, giving her a reassuring smile. "But I'll be here if you need any advice, okay?" She felt his warm smile calm her down just a little, and she really was grateful that he was there.

"Thank you, Adrien," she said, her shoulders relaxing a little. He stood up, grabbing a bagel and taking a bite.

"So, what's up first?" he asked, smiling at her and trying to look as excited as he could when he was so tired.

Marinette felt her blood start pumping, passionate about the outfits she'd put together. She hung the first outfit on a separate rack, seeing him walk over and examine the pieces. She watched as he lifted the button-up shirt, feeling the fabric.

"This first outfit looks great," he told her, and she smiled, turning to grab the shoes for the outfit.

"Thanks! It's simple, but breathable and mature, so I think--" she stopped in her tracks as she turned back around, seeing that he'd already taken his shirt off. She blushed even though she'd known she would be in this situation, but when he looked over to her, he blushed too.

"Oh, sorry!" he said, hurriedly putting on the button-up. "Force of habit. I should've warned you," he told her, and she set the shoes down next to him.

"No worries," she chuckled nervously, turning her back to him as he continued to change. She chewed on her lip absentmindedly but tried to remember to stay focused.

"All done," he spoke, and she turned back around, seeing him in the outfit. It looked better than she thought it would, her mind immediately going to all the details she needed to fix to try and distract her mind from thinking about how handsome he looked.

Marinette stepped over to a separate table, grabbing the accessories she'd picked out for that outfit. A simple chain, a belt, and a watch. She walked back over and handed him the accessories, looking him over once more. She made a decision to change the shoes, grabbing a different pair. Seeing the outfit on him was much different than sketching it or imagining it.

When he'd put everything on that she'd brought him, she stood in front of him again, tapping her chin.

"How do I look?" he asked, smiling. She smiled back, clasping her hands together.

"Great!" she told him, seeing him look a little surprised at her answer. She bit her lip, trying to focus again. She walked closer to him, looking up at him.

"May I?" she asked, pointing to the buttons on his shirt. He nodded, watching her hands as they reached up and undid the top few buttons. She felt her heart start racing as she adjusted the chain that laid against his chest. She stepped back again, trying not to notice the look in his eyes.

"Perfect," she told him, giving him a thumbs up. She watched as he glanced in the mirror, nodding to himself.

"This looks great, Marinette," he smiled, looking back at her. She smiled happily, glad he liked it.

"Alright, let's go," she said, opening the door for him. He walked onto set as they finished setting up the lighting, and she watched as he began to model, feeling proud. She couldn't deny that she felt a little like she was 14 again, crushing on the cute boy in her class. But it was a warm feeling, a familiar feeling, and she didn't mind it. If her heart was going to lead her back to him, she wouldn't stop it.

After a few minutes of watching, Marinette noticed that the collar of the shirt had been messed up a little, so she tapped the photographer on the shoulder and let him know she was going to fix it. She stepped under the bright lights, watching Adrien look up at her.

"Has my guardian angel come to rescue me already?" he joked, seeming to be more awake. She giggled, bending down to where he was lounging to fix his collar.

"Not quite yet," she smiled, adjusting the way the shirt hung open and fixing the chain one more time. She looked at him, seeing him gazing up at her. She was closer than she'd wanted to be, but before she pulled away, he reached up to kiss her cheek briefly, surprising her.

"I hope you know how refreshing it is to have you here," he told her, smiling. She smiled shyly, blushing.

"I'll come back and save you soon," she said, trying to play along with his joke to distract herself from that look in his eyes. He smiled wider as she stood to go.

As she walked away from him and out of the bright lights, her whole body felt like it was on fire, and she wondered if she would ever be able to focus.


posting the prompt on the actual day it's supposed to come out? who knew

anyway, thank you for reading! let me know what you thought! 

mel x 

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now