Day 25 - Cheek Kiss

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"I'll do everything I can," he heard her say, smiling to himself. Rose sniffled, sighing out.

"Thank you, Marinette," she said, wiping some of her tears. Marinette gave her a smile.

"This is what friends are for, Rose," she told her, hugging her gently. Adrien felt his heart fill with adoration for his classmate, in awe of how compassionate she was.

His mind was brought back to what happened on Heroes' Day. He'd told her that she was their everyday Ladybug, and he never once thought that she didn't fit that statement. Her heart was so kind, and she was always willing to help others. Adrien wanted to do the same a lot of the time, but it came so naturally to Marinette.

He then remembered that she had kissed his cheek in response. It had made his heart feel warm and fuzzy, and he'd thought it was really sweet. He didn't even need a thank you in return for what he had told her because it was the truth. But she had gone out of her way to thank him with a sweet gesture that everyone else had seemed to admire as well.

Adrien decided then and there to return the favor. He wanted to tell her as often as he could how amazing she was. He never wanted her to forget the impact she had on others.

Adrien stood from his seat in the lunchroom, beginning to walk towards the conversation she was having nearby. But when he saw her turn to look at him, he felt a pit form in his stomach. Her eyes were so soft and so kind, but he felt like they were seeing right through him in that moment. Was he nervous?

He scratched the back of his neck, both Rose and Marinette watching him. He scrambled to think of something to say.

"I, uh, just wanted you to know that if I can do anything to help, please let me know," he told Rose, and she gave him a small smile. He glanced at Marinette, wishing that his cheeks would stop warming themselves.

"It's really awesome of you to help out, Marinette," he said, feeling the shakiness in every syllable. The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile, once that made his face grow warmer. He didn't understand what was happening to him, but he knew that he was far too nervous to return the favor at that moment.

"Thank you," she smiled, and he nodded tensely, turning to walk back to his seat. He wanted to hit himself, wondering what had come over him.

Adrien tried a few more times with no luck. Marinette went above and beyond as class representative, and though it inspired him, he was still too nervous. She decided to bake everyone's favorite pastry individually as a fun project for herself. But still, something held him back.

A few weeks later, Adrien walked into homeroom only to see Mylene run past him with tears in her eyes. Adrien left his bag by the door, hearing someone calling his name but ignoring it. He chased after Mylene, but she had gone into the girl's bathroom. He looked around for an idea and saw Marinette at her locker.

"Marinette," he spoke, rushing up to her. She blinked at him in surprise, closing her locker.

"Hi," she said, looking at his face in confusion. He knew she could tell something was wrong. It was like a sixth sense of her's.

"Mylene ran out of the classroom crying. She's in the girl's bathroom right now, but I don't want to leave her alone," he told her, glancing back towards the bathroom. He watched the determination fill her features. Her shoulders squared, her eyes were steady, and she walked confidently and quickly, heading towards the girls' bathroom.

"Mylene!" she called, opening the door. Adrien held the door open with his foot, facing away so that he could hear but not see.

"Is that you, Marinette?" Mylene asked weakly, sniffling. He heard a bathroom stall door swing open as he listened.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now