Day 4 - Hand Touches

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Marinette knew she was clumsy. Everyone else knew it too. Careless? Maybe sometimes, when she wasn't in her spotted spandex. But that day, she couldn't figure out why she was so clumsy and so careless. It shocked her.

From the moment she got to school, she was nervous. Adrien had greeted her at the door, and though it made her heart soar, she was stumbling over her words as usual.

As they walked to their first class together, Marinette clumsily let her hand brush his, twice. She felt mortified even though she apologized and he gave her the brightest smile. It was hard to feel bad when he smiled at her like that, but Marinette kept surprising herself.

Adrien sat down before her when they got to class, but Marinette tripped on the stair next to his seat, his hand shooting out faster than she could comprehend to catch her. His arm stretched across her upper abdomen and gently held the arm farthest from him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, her head turning to look at him and wondering how his reflexes had been so quick, realizing how he was holding her. She stepped backwards out of his grasp, smiling.

"Yes, thank you," she spoke, blushing as she sat down at her seat.

For the rest of the school day, things like that kept happening.

During their physics project together, she found her hands bumping his way too much, her apologies numbering too high to count. He always just gave her a soft smile and an "it's okay, Marinette."

At lunch, Adrien stood right behind her in line. She tried to be more careful, but he made her so nervous. She almost tripped once, and Adrien offered to help again, making her heart flutter.

When they were finished in line, he gently stopped her from leaving with a hand on her shoulder.

"Can I carry your lunch tray, Marinette? We can sit together," he suggested with a blinding smile. Her knees felt weak, but she managed to nod. He moved his hand to rest over her's, smoothly shifting her tray into his free hand.

Alya, Nino, Adrien, and her all sat next to each other that day, but Marinette couldn't stop replaying his words in her head. She couldn't believe how kind and gentlemanly he was. Even still, she couldn't meet his eyes, even when her foot accidentally brushed his under the table.

During gym, their class was playing badminton. Marinette excelled at everything in gym class when she tried, but she didn't want to stand out or seem suspiciously strong.

Adrien offered to be on her team against Mylène and Ivan, and she couldn't help but agree, not wanting to turn down the chance to see him in his gym uniform if she could.

When Marinette purposefully missed her shots a few times, Adrien called for a time out.

"Can I help you out, Marinette? You look like you have a lot of potential for this game," he spoke, walking over to her.

"Uh, sure!" she smiled, and he smiled right back.

"Here, let me show you how to hold the racquet," he said, moving to stand behind her. He gently directed her hands onto the handle, his own hands covering her's.

"You wanna keep a tight grip like this, and swing with the wrist," he told her, his breath tickling the back of her neck. She blushed intensely and tried to remember to breathe.

"Thanks, Adrien," she got out as he pulled away from her, the skin on her hands tingling where he'd touched her. She'd never been in such close contact with him so much in one day, and it was beginning to make her brain feel fuzzy. More than usual, at least.

At the end of the day, she was glad to be able to go home and clear her head. She started down the stairs in the courtyard of the school, gripping the railing tightly in an effort not to fall. When she made it down safely, she heard a lot of her classmates coming out of the locker room to her left.

A few seconds later, a hand was on her left shoulder, Adrien appearing at her side.

"Hey!" he grinned, letting his hand fall back to his side as he came to stand in front of her.

"Hi, Adrien," she said a little too slowly, cautious of doing something careless again.

"So," he started, glancing up at seemingly nothing and reaching to adjust his bag's strap on his shoulder. She tilted her head, not used to seeing him at a loss for words.

"Well, you see," he started again, sighing out gently. He finally returned her gaze, both their cheeks lighting up pink. They both looked away, and Adrien cleared his throat absentmindedly. He took a deep breath and tried again.

"Marinette, I've noticed you've been pretty stressed and busy lately," he stated, looking determined to get out what he wanted to say.

Marinette's eyes went wide, and she was surprised yet again.

"You have?" she asked, and he nodded right away.

"I wanted to try and help, and I remembered reading somewhere that physical contact reduces stress and anxiety," he told her, her cheeks turning rosy once more. "I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable at all." He looked to her, her heart just beginning to soar.

"No! You didn't make me feel uncomfortable," she responded, feeling her heart in her throat. "You did that mor fee? I mean, for me?" His eyes softened again as he nodded.

"Of course, Marinette. You're awesome! You always help everyone, so I wanted to try and help you," he smiled, and she couldn't help the happiness that spread to her fingertips.

"Wow, I, thank you," she smiled, looking up at him in adoration. He searched both her eyes, then smiled and moved in to hug her, bending down. She tensed up, his arms enveloping her.

"You're welcome, Marinette," he said against her, letting her go shortly afterwards. He gave her a small wave goodbye as he walked off, leaving her heart racing.


i loved writing this one! thank you for reading! 

mel x 

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now