Day 30 - Ice Cream

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Marinette looked in the mirror at her dress, twirling once and grinning, giggling a little.

She had tried to convince herself over and over again that it wasn't a date, but it hadn't worked.

Adrien had pulled her aside at school that afternoon, and she couldn't stop thinking about the look in his eyes. He'd asked her if she wanted to go out for ice cream. André's ice cream. When Marinette had looked slightly taken aback, he'd explained that he wanted to do something together as their civilian selves that they'd done as Ladybug and Chat Noir.

That reason hadn't been enough to quell Marinette's racing heart, and it kept a constant speed. So she was left to pace in her room, waiting for him to arrive.

She was checking the braids in her hair one last time when she heard the doorbell. It made her jump out of her skin, but she was bolting down the stairs with her purse in her hand before she could catch a breath.

Marinette pulled open the door to see Adrien standing there, looking at her with a warm look in his eyes. She smiled widely, seeing that he had a single pink rose in his hand just before he offered it to her.

"Good evening, m'lady," he smiled, watching her accept it. He took the opportunity to gently steal one of her hands and kiss it, and it made her cheeks light up in red.

"H-hi," she stammered, her heart still racing. If it really wasn't a date, what was with the rose? She glanced down at it, looking back to his warm smile and feeling it melt her heart.

"Let me get a vase for this," she spoke, grabbing one from the cupboard. When she'd given it water and a place on the table, she turned back to glance at him. It looked like he'd been admiring her the whole time, and she wondered if she would be able to make it through their little outing without collapsing. If he kept looking at her that way, she wouldn't survive five more minutes.

"Alright, I'm ready," she smiled, and he nodded, offering her his arm. She blinked at him, and he grinned.

"It's my job to escort the beautiful lady down the stairs," he said, a playful smirk on his lips. She bit her tongue, trying not to smile too wide as she linked arms with him.

"Thank you, sir," she giggled, and he laughed to himself, closing the door behind them as they left.

Marinette breathed in the warm spring air as they stepped outside, wishing the weather could always be so nice. She glanced up at the sky, seeing the first touches of orange outline the dotted clouds, eagerly awaiting the sunset.

"I heard that André was pretty close today, so I figured we could walk," he told her, letting her arm go. She blinked at him, wishing she'd been paying more attention as to not have let him pull away.

"Great," she smiled anyway, opting to walk a little closer to him than she normally would instead. Having him so close was a double-edged sword; everything about him made her feel safe, but everything about him made her heart race. She was sure she was doomed, but at least she was enjoying herself.

They began to walk down the street, chatting about school, summer vacation, and recent Akuma attacks.

"I wonder if Hawkmoth will go on vacation this summer," Adrien joked, and Marinette snorted.

"Can you imagine Hawkmoth at a waterpark?" Marinette giggled, hearing Adrien burst out laughing at the thought.

Before long, they found André, hearing his booming voice from a few streets down. They rushed over excitedly, waiting in line until it was their turn.

André looked delighted to see them, but before he said anything, he stopped, looking between the two of them.

"Something's changed between you two," he said, tapping his chin. "I can see it, but can you?" Marinette's eyes were wide, remembering that the last time they'd been together to get ice cream was before they knew each other's identities.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now