Day 27 - Naps

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Adrien breathed out heavily, glancing over at Marinette. She was leaning on a stone column and breathing just as hard as he was.

They'd been training that morning, just like every morning, but they were both pretty tired. Marinette let herself fall to the floor, collapsing and sighing out. Adrien looked over at her and chuckled, sitting down himself.

"That akuma really did us in, didn't it?" he said, and Marinette laughed humorlessly.

"No kidding," she grumbled. He tried to slow his breathing, standing to grab one of the last waters from the cooler they'd brought along. He noticed Marinette looking at the ceiling, probably watching the clouds roll past in the morning sky through the glass in the old warehouse they'd picked out. He hoped no one would ever follow them there.

Adrien appeared above her, handing her a water bottle. She sat up and took it, smiling at him as he sat down next to her. He tried not to think about how cute she looked.

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" he asked after taking a long swig of water. She did the same, closing the cap and setting it next to her.

"I'm probably gonna take a nap," she sighed, stretching out her arms. He sighed.

"I wish I could take a nap. As soon as I get home it's piano for the next five hours," he grumbled, falling onto his back against the mats they'd laid out on the hard floor.

"I mean, you could always come take a nap at my place," she suggested. He looked over at her, weighing the offer for a second and wondering if she was being serious.

"You mean it?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. He thought she might have blushed, but then he remembered that her cheeks were always red after working out.

"Yeah! My parents are off buying more supplies right now, and then they'll be at a business conference for the afternoon," she told him, and he looked back to the sky as he thought.

"I honestly would love to come hangout," he admitted, knowing his father would be angry but not really caring. Time with Marinette meant the world to him. She meant the world to him.

"Great! Why don't we get going then, before you fall asleep right there," she teased, standing up and offering him a hand. He took it, feeling his muscles burn as he moved to stand.

They put their mats in a dark corner like usual, grabbed the cooler, and then they transformed, running back towards Marinette's house. They made sure no one was following them, detransforming in an alleyway a little ways from the bakery and walking the rest of the way on foot.

"I've never gotten to really appreciate how beautiful early mornings are," she spoke softly, carrying the cooler with ease. He smiled, watching the sun rise over the Notre-Dame.

"Thank you for doing this with me," she continued, looking at him with a gentle smile. He returned it, feeling his heart flutter a little.

"Thank you too," he replied as they came to Marinette's apartment door. They climbed the stairs to the apartment, leaving the cooler in the kitchen and heading up to Marinette's room. She laughed nervously, and he looked around to see that her room was pretty messy.

"Sorry about this," she sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm working on a project, and all these fabrics are laid out in a specific order," she told him as he looked around at all the patterns and fabrics laid out over her chaise and the giant chest in the corner and over her vanity.

"Looks like a big undertaking," he joked lightheartedly, and she sighed again, nodding.

"Hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon," she shrugged, stepping back down a few stairs and then looking back up at him.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now