Day 15 - Sacrifices

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It was a normal day when it happened. Like any other, really.

Adrien was working on his history project with Nino when the Akuma burst through the wall, scattering brick and glass through the air. A collective scream rang out, and the Akuma yelled something that Adrien couldn't hear, his heart pounding in his ears. He removed his arms from over his head, trying to get a better look at the situation.

"Everyone out!" Marinette yelled loudly, standing at the front of the classroom. Adrien admired her bravery, but she was putting herself in danger. The Akuma locked onto her, its reptilian-like eyes boring in her direction. He'd never seen another like it, and he saw things that surprised him every day.

As Marinette watched Alya leave the room, the Akuma picked up a broken desk and lifted it to throw in her direction.

"Marinette!" he yelled, and she dodged the attack just in time.

"We need to go," she told him as he scrambled over to her. She nodded, both of them starting for the door when they realized it had been blocked by the desk the Akuma had thrown. He cursed under his breath, knowing the only way out was through the hole in the wall it had made, which was directly behind the reptile-like monster. It was staring them down like they were a meal, bringing Adrien to stand in front of Marinette.

Before he could register its movement, the Akuma used its tail to throw him across the room. Luckily, it had aimed poorly, only hitting him with what he was guessing was half of its strength. Despite that, he was in pain, wishing more than anything that he could transform in that moment, even if it was only to protect Marinette.

She was looking over at him, about to move to his side and completely distracted. The Akuma was raising its hand this time, but it didn't look like it planned to miss again.

Time seemed to stop. He couldn't let Marinette get hurt. Something in him wouldn't allow it. He knew he wouldn't be able to bear seeing her in pain. She'd done so much for him and for everyone around her at every opportunity she got.

Part of him wanted to stay back, knowing that Ladybug needed him as Chat Noir. He could be putting the whole of Paris in danger by protecting this one girl.

But he couldn't stop himself.

Adrien struggled to his feet quickly, almost wanting to curse his fast reflexes when he pushed Marinette out of the way and took the hit. He was thrown back against the wall with such force that he was able to hear and feel ribs breaking. He cried out, but the first thing he checked was to see if Marinette was alright. She had rushed over to him, crouching down to come into his field of view. He was faint, he knew that much, but she was okay. She was okay. He was in more pain than he'd ever physically felt, but she was okay. That's what mattered to him.

"Adrien, oh my gosh," she cried out, and he registered that tears were in her eyes.

"Run," he got out, her hand grabbing his. His head was aching as he looked toward the Akuma, seeing that it was watching them carefully. "Please," he said through gritted teeth. She let the tears run down her cheeks, turning to give a deathly glare in the Akuma's direction.

"I'll come back for you. I'll get Ladybug," she told him, leaving his hand feeling so cold when she released it. She stood up, seeing that the Akuma's eyes were trained on Adrien and taking the opportunity to skirt along the walls until she got to the hole it had made.

The Akuma stalked towards him slowly, his heart racing. Adrenaline was pumping through his body, but he wasn't scared. Ladybug was coming. Marinette was okay.

But as the Akuma moved closer to him, raising another clawed hand, he couldn't deny that he wanted to scream.

Something struck the Akuma in the back before it could strike, and it turned to look behind itself. Marinette had thrown something at it, grabbing its attention. Adrien looked at her, meeting her eyes and seeing the tears in them as she left his sight once more, taking the Akuma with her.

Adrien wanted to run after it and tell it to stay away from her, but the pain was too much for his body, his sight beginning to go dark.

As he began to lose consciousness, he had no doubt that Ladybug would save everyone. She would repair his ribs with her magic, and everyone would be okay. Marinette would be okay.



protect this poor boy omg

thank you all for reading!!

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now