Day 9 - Alternate Timeline

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In which Chloe's butler was never akumatized in 'Despair Bear,' and Chloe never tried to interrupt Adrien and Marinette's slow dance.


Marinette knew Chloe was still staring at them, but she couldn't find it in herself to care. She felt like she was floating, watching Adrien dance to an upbeat song in front of her like he had no cares in the world. She'd never seen him so happy and carefree, and knowing she'd been part of the reason why made her even more radiant.

As the song ended and Nino switched the record, Adrien breathed out heavily.

"Wanna get a drink with me?" he asked, and she smiled widely.

"Sure!" she replied, glad that her stutter was gone for the time being. She'd never been happier, or at least she couldn't think of any other time in her life when she'd felt so weightless.

They both grabbed a glass of orange juice, and Marinette took a cookie, happy to recognize that they were from her parents' bakery. She didn't think Chloe would ever allow something her or her parents had made to go anywhere near her, but she'd been surprised many times that day alone.

"You're a great dancer, Marinette!" Adrien told her excitedly, and a blush found its way into her cheeks again as she thought about the slow dance they'd shared. They'd been so close, she was sure he could hear her heart beating out of control. And even when she could tell that Chloe would've done anything to separate them, she hadn't. Marinette was grateful to whatever force of nature stopped her and allowed the moment to still be rendered perfect in Marinette's memory.

"So are you," she told him, turning her head slightly so he couldn't see her face. Even though her heart had come to control itself, she was still mentally freaking out. She downed her orange juice quickly, trying to cool her face even slightly.

"Thanks," he chuckled, leaning against the wall coolly. She tried not to admire him so obviously, but with his hair slightly disheveled and his face glowing sunnily, it was hard not to stare.

"It's really awesome that your dad let you come tonight," she commented, putting her empty glass on the counter behind her.

"Yeah. It's only because it's Chloe's party, though. If it were anyone else's, he would have never let me come," he told her, frowning a little. She hadn't meant to put a damper on his mood, scrambling to think of something to say to bring his dizzying smile back.

"I wouldn't have come if you hadn't, so I'm really glad you're here," she told him, realizing too late that she'd said too much. Just as she opened her mouth to explain herself out of that embarrassing statement, she realized she'd succeeded in bringing his smile back.

"I'm really glad you're here too, Marinette," he spoke, giving her one of the softest looks she'd ever seen from him. Her breath hitched, her throat feeling tight. She found it a little hard to believe that he really was glad she was there, let alone the look he'd given only her. She was speechless, her mind blanking from how much love she had for this boy.

Distracted, she didn't realize that he'd taken her hand once again, leading her back onto the dance floor.

"I love this song," she heard him say, watching his face light up again. She wished he could always be carefree and happy like he was just then.

"Adri-kins!" Chloe called out, running up and latching onto Adrien's arm. He stopped dancing, smiling.

"Hey, Chloe," he said, glancing at Marinette. The girls briefly glared at each other, but Marinette let her face soften.

"It was really nice of you to invite everyone, Chloe," she said, and Chloe's nose wrinkled slightly. "I mean it," she emphasized, and Chloe blinked at her.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now