Day 18 - Pastries

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Marinette almost didn't hear the thud on her balcony. She looked up from her sewing machine, watching as the trapdoor opened and Chat Noir dropped onto her bed, detransforming before he landed.

"Adrien Agreste!" she hissed quietly, standing up and rushing up the ladder to her loft. "I'm gonna kill you!" she whispered loudly, pointing a finger at him. He took his hands out from behind his head, having made himself comfortable.

"What did I do?" he asked at a normal volume, and Marinette pushed a finger against his lips, shaking her head. He had his hands in the air like he was trying to prove his innocence.

"My parents are still home," she told him under her breath, glancing at her trapdoor that led downstairs. She looked back at him, seeing him with a small smirk on his lips. She took her finger away, blushing a little. She sat next to him on her bed, sighing out.

"They're leaving in a few minutes, so just stay quiet until then," she told him, beginning to head back down the ladder. She heard her mom's footsteps coming up the stairs, quickly grabbing her blanket and throwing it over Adrien, trying to look like she wasn't guilty.

"Marinette?" her mom called as her head popped into her room. She glanced around until she saw Marinette in her loft. "We're leaving, honey. Be safe with Adrien, okay? No fires," she told her, blowing a kiss.

"Will do, Mom! Have fun!" Marinette said as her mom disappeared from view. She sighed out, relieved. She took the blanket off of him, seeing that same smirk on his face.

"Peekaboo, Princess," he teased, and she threw the blanket back on him, smiling to herself.

"Hey!" he said, throwing it back off, seeing that she was already making her way back down the ladder.

"Let's get started on those macarons, kitty," she smiled, turning off her lamp and motioning for him to follow her downstairs. He hopped down from the loft as she opened her trapdoor again.

"You could've come through the front door, you know," she told him, getting out a few mixing bowls.

"That's no fun," he joked, pushing his sleeves up. Marinette tried not to notice that he'd dressed up a little more than usual that day. She also tried not to let herself think of what they were doing as a date. She'd promised him that she would teach him how to make macarons, and she never broke a promise, but it wasn't a date. Even if she wanted it to be.

"My parents wouldn't say that finding you in my bed is very 'fun' either," she teased, eyeing him. He chuckled sheepishly, shrugging.

"Let's wash our hands first," she suggested, moving over to the sink. She turned the faucet on and put her hands under the water, hearing him coming up behind her. She jumped a little when his hands came from either side of her, blocking the water from hitting her hands.

"What are you doing?" she laughed, trying to get his hands out of the way, but he wouldn't have it, keeping his hands over her's. She realized suddenly how he was standing. He was directly behind her, so close that she could feel his breath on her shoulder, and she blushed. But she wasn't about to lose.

Marinette tried moving her hands in between his and pushing them apart, but he was too strong. She got around him quickly, but he just held her wrists in place. She could hear his gentle laugh in her ear, making her more flustered and less concentrated.

"We're wasting water," she protested, trying to hide her blush as he released the tender hold he'd had on her wrists.

"You're just a sore loser," he joked, stepping around to her left and waiting as she washed her hands.

"Aww, does the kitty wanna get splashed?" she smirked, holding a handful of water. Adrien flinched a little, chuckling.

"No thanks, m'lady," he laughed, handing her a towel to dry her hands. After he'd washed his own, they began getting out ingredients, and Marinette had him measure.

"Remember, baking isn't always about just following the recipe," she told him, trying to be a good teacher. She turned to glance at him, seeing him spill some flour on the counter and wince. She giggled to herself, watching him look over at her.

"What's it about then?" he wondered as she turned away to grab the hand mixer from the top shelf.

"It's about having fun," she offered, standing on her tiptoes and stretching as much as she could, still not able to reach it.

"That'll be no problem with you here, Mari," he told her, his voice coming closer. She kept trying to reach for it, but she felt his hand touch the small of her back, her shirt having lifted up without her noticing. Her back tingled where their skin met, and she bit her lip as she watched him effortlessly grab the hand mixer, handing it to her and taking his hand away. He gave her a dazzling smile, and she turned away, blushing as she got back to work.

After putting on some music, they continued working, Marinette letting Adrien do all the mixing. The brightness in his eyes told her he was enjoying himself, and it made her happy. He'd never gotten to do something like that before, and she was glad to be there with him for his first experience.

She hadn't realized she was gazing at him so intently until he looked down at her, blinking back at her with curious eyes.

"What? Is there flour on my face?" he asked innocently, going cross-eyed to glance at his nose and making her giggle. She took a bit of the batter and stuck it on his nose, licking the rest off her finger. He gasped playfully, wiping it off and tasting it as well.

"Are you looking to get tickled, missy?" he asked, and she stiffened a little. When he put his mind to tickling her, there was almost no way to stop him.

"No!" she replied nervously, and she saw him stifle a laugh. "You can get me back. Go ahead, you can put some on my nose," she told him, moving to stand in front of him, knowing she would cry laughing again if he got to tickle her.

Adrien eyed her, putting his finger in the batter and spreading a little on her cheek instead.

"Whoops, I missed," he chuckled, and she rolled her eyes, staring up at him. She used her finger to wipe it off, about to lick it off when he took her wrist and licked it off her finger instead. He smiled to himself, letting her wrist go just as quickly.

"Mmm. These will taste good," he said, looking back down at her. She was bright red, his eyes widening as he realized what he'd done. He began to blush too, backing away from her just a little.

"A-ah, sorry!" he said, waving a hand like he was trying to wave the situation away. "I didn't mean to be weird or anything like that, I just--" he tried to say, but Marinette took another bit of batter and smeared it across his forehead, looking at him defiantly. His mouth was wide open as he stared down at her, his eyes narrowing.

"I think you are looking to get tickled," he spoke softly, and she inhaled quickly, moving to start running but not being quick enough. He caught her around the waist, tickling her sides and making her squeal with laughter.

Needless to say, the macarons took a lot longer to make than they'd planned. 


hehe theyre cuties <3

thank you for reading! 

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now