Day 24 - Kwami Visits

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"Marinette!" her mom called from down in the bakery. Marinette rushed down the stairs, almost tripping, and got to the bottom to see him already waiting for her.

"Hey, Marinette," he smiled, waving. She smiled, trying to get the knots in her stomach to untie themselves.

"H-hey," she stuttered, turning back to the stairs and gesturing for him to follow. "Come on up." They walked back up to the apartment, Marinette holding the door open for him.

"Have I ever told you your place is really nice? It feels so cozy," he told her, letting his jacket slide off his shoulders and hanging it on the coat rack. Even that simple action made her heart race. Her mind set off on a daydream, rewriting the situation as if they were married with those three kids, the dog, and the hamster, and he was just coming home from a long day of work. She sighed to herself, cupping her cheek and letting her heart flutter. If only.

"Marinette?" he called, trying to bring her out of her thoughts. She blinked at him, laughing shyly.

"Sorry, and uh, thank you," she smiled, glancing at the kitchen table and remembering why he was really here. As Plagg rushed out and inspected the plate of cheese waiting for him, he gasped in excitement.

"This is good cheese! Adrien only gives me this kind of stuff every once in a while!" he exclaimed, digging in.

"That is so not true," Adrien mumbled to himself, shaking his head. "Hey, remember what we talked about?" he asked the kwami, crossing his arms over his chest. Marinette watched him, surprised at the tone of voice he was using.

"Yeah," Plagg sighed, swallowing a mouthful. "Thank you, Marinette!" he grinned, starting to eat again. Tikki reluctantly flew up next to him, wincing a little at the smell.

"Hi, Plagg," she said, watching as the other kwami looked up with wide eyes.

"Sugarcube!" he yelled happily, floating up to meet her and forgetting about the cheese for the time being. As the two of them began talking, Marinette noticed the smile on Adrien's face.

"It's amazing that they've known each other for thousands of years," he spoke, watching them in awe. Marinette nodded, smiling too.

"They're best friends," she said, her heart swelling as she watched them tease each other. No matter what Tikki said, having Plagg around made her happy.

"Just like us, m'lady," Adrien said, nudging her gently. She caught the teasing, she saw the smirk on his lips, and she heard the Chat Noir in his voice, but as she went to reply, all she saw was Adrien.

"Haha, y-yeah," she stammered, rubbing her arm with her hand and not meeting his eyes. She looked back towards the kitchen, remembering that she'd started making some tea when he'd texted her that he was on his way.

"Care for some tea?" she asked, walking over to the stove and grabbing the kettle, pouring out two cups.

"Yes, thank you," he replied, and she could tell that he was thinking about something. The strange dichotomy was there again, and Marinette felt like she couldn't escape it. Adrien, her crush, was standing in her kitchen. She could barely get a sentence out properly around him, but yet she knew the exact shape of his eyebrows when he was thinking too hard about something. Knowing he was Chat Noir had only served to complicate things further despite the sense of security she gained from that knowledge.

They moved to sit on the couch with their tea as Tikki and Plagg chased each other around the room, their airy laughter bouncing off the walls. She smiled, but as she looked back to Adrien, who was locked in eye contact with her, her smile faltered.

"Mari, are you okay?" he asked her, and she tensed up, feeling like she was caught in the middle of a crime.

"Y-yeah!" she smiled, taking a large gulp of her tea and burning her tongue a little.

"Marinette," he spoke, looking at her with worried eyes. He'd shifted to completely face her, and as she noticed that her knees were turned away from him as well as her shoulders, she sighed out.

"It's just hard," she got out, looking down at her knees as she turned them to point towards him. "It makes me feel safe, knowing your identity, and I'm glad that it happened. I just..." she trailed off, her hands gripping her thighs. She waited for him to say something, but she realized after a few seconds that he was intent on listening and understanding.

"I'm having trouble putting the two people I know into one," she told him, hearing his long inhale. She briefly glanced up at him, seeing his eyes still on her. She straightened a little, looking at the wall.

"I wanna strengthen our bond and grow as a team, but I have to get past this first," she sighed, wishing that wasn't the way it was. She let the silence grow, looking out the window.

"Are you nervous right now?" she heard him ask, and the strange question pulled her gaze back to him.

"Yes," she answered, blushing a little. He gave her a reassuring smile, setting his tea down on the coffee table.

"Close your eyes," he told her, and she furrowed her eyebrows. He could tell she wanted to know why. "Trust me," he spoke softly, searching her eyes. She let them fall closed, taking a deep breath among all her shallower ones.

"Okay, now focus on my voice," he said, and she tried her hardest. She waited for a few moments for him to say more, and she visualized her crush sitting there and staring at her, her cheeks becoming red again.

"We're going to get through this together," he began, and the image in her mind suddenly shifted. She didn't see the model Adrien Agreste sitting in front of her. It was her partner, Chat Noir. She could hear the determination in his voice. She could see the color it brought out in his eyes.

"We're the duo that saves Paris everyday. We have fought together, we have failed together, and we have won together," he spoke, and Marinette nodded without really thinking.

"We will get through this, and we'll do that together too," he finished, the resilient smile on his face almost tangible in her mind. There was no doubt that Chat Noir was sitting in front of her.

He placed his hand on her's, and she opened her eyes, the image of Chat fading onto Adrien's softer edges. She saw the way his hair parted to make up the difference, she noticed the familiar width of his shoulders, and the unmistakable green of his eyes had the same look that she'd seen in her mind. His smile was still just as resilient, but there was something more delicate about it, something she hoped was just for her.

They were one and the same, but her mind had never been able to realize that so clearly until just then.

"Okay?" he asked quietly. She stared at him for a few seconds, and then she moved closer without really thinking, pulling him into a tight hug. She felt the tension in his shoulders as he hesitated, but then he hugged her back, her heart swelling happily. She let his warmth cradle her, a quiet sigh escaping as she smiled. She was safe in his arms.

"Ugh," Plagg spoke up. "I'm gonna lose my appetite if the lovey dovey stuff doesn't stop," he said, and the two of them pulled away from each other, their faces bright red.

"Plagg!" Adrien yelled, and Marinette giggled, seeing the familiar pout on his lips. He looked back to her, and then he laughed too.

Marinette knew there was a long way to go. The journey ahead of them wouldn't be short or easy. But her mind was calmed by the fact that she would have him. If they were together, there was nothing they couldn't do. 


thank you for reading! thank you for your continual support as well <3

you can go follow me on my tumblr if you want these prompt slightly earlier or if you wanna see more miraculous ladybug shenanigans! it's macaronsforchat!

mel x 

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