Day 13 - Scarf Reveal

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Marinette was observing from across the courtyard. She didn't want to be around Lila at all, but especially not while she was trying to reel in Adrien. She knew she couldn't control her emotions in that situation.

She was also observing because Adrien was wearing her scarf, the one he'd thought was from his father. She liked the way his eyes shone brighter when he wore it, and how he seemed to walk with a little less weight on his shoulders.

Her attention was turned back to Lila, and she could tell that she was asking for a favor from Adrien, those green, scheming eyes locked on her crush's. But Adrien only turned away, leaving Lila to glare and try to get his attention back. She reached out, grabbing onto the end of the scarf and pulling just the right amount to make it seem like an accident when it ripped.

Marinette gasped, not surprised that her anger was bubbling up. That scarf meant so much to Adrien, and Lila knew that.

Marinette grit her teeth as she heard Lila's overdone apology, watching Adrien stare down at his scarf in disbelief. She decided she needed to do something. She could at least save him from Lila, if nothing else.

"--never thought my nails were so sharp!" Lila exclaimed dramatically, her eyes locking onto Marinette as she walked up. The girls both glared at each other, but Marinette wanted to focus on Adrien instead.

"My father is going to be so disappointed," he sighed, letting the torn scarf fall back against his chest. He glanced at Marinette, and the sadness in his eyes hit her heart like a brick.

"I saw what happened. Do you want me to help fix it? It wouldn't take long," she offered, ignoring the fury in Lila's eyes. Adrien gasped a little, fixated on Marinette.

"Can you? Marinette, you're a lifesaver," he sighed in relief, and the bell rang, signaling that school was out for the afternoon.

"I can start right now, if you wanna come over," Marinette said, shaking at the thought of Adrien being in her room again but willing to do anything so that he wouldn't have to be around Lila any longer than he had to.

"Let me tell my bodyguard. I'll meet you outside, okay?" he told her, running off towards the school's front doors.

"You won't win, Marinette," Lila spoke lowly, glaring at her. Marinette stared at her for a second, wanting to tell her exactly what she thought about her but knowing it wasn't worth it. She wondered how she could hate so much, and it made Marinette sad.

She didn't look at Lila as she started jogging after Adrien, and she wondered how much angrier it had made her that she didn't even get a reaction out of Marinette.

Adrien finished talking to his bodyguard as Marinette finished descending the steps, and he gave her a smile, the light in his eyes seeming to have returned.

"All good, as long as we don't take that long," he said, and Marinette nodded, the two of them beginning to walk over to her apartment.

"It should only take me a few minutes," she assured him, and he sighed out in relief.

"Thank you so much, Marinette, really," he said, looking over at her. She blushed a little, hearing the genuine gratitude in his voice.

"You're welcome," she smiled shyly, letting him into their bakery. Both of her parents were swamped with midday customers, waving a quick hello to their daughter. They didn't even seem to notice Adrien, or if they did, they didn't mind.

Marinette led him up to her room, happy that she'd taken down most of her pictures of Adrien for a photoshoot she'd done the other day.

"Make yourself at home," she said, walking over to her desk and pulling down a final picture from her wall, sighing in relief. She put her backpack down, seeing that Adrien was grabbing another chair and coming to sit near her desk.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now