Day 21 - Magic

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"A love potion?" Marinette asked, staring at Alya.

"Yeah! They're not hard to make!" her best friend said, holding Marinette's shoulders. She glanced across the room at Adrien, shaking her head.

"I don't know, Alya," she spoke, biting her bottom lip nervously. "How would I explain that to him if he realizes?" Alya sighed, pushing up her glasses.

"Simple. Bake the potion into some sort of pastry, and if he figures it out, tell him you gave him the wrong one," she suggested, and Marinette tilted her head.

"I guess that would work," she said to herself, thinking about what she would bake.

"Of course it will," Alix spoke up, and Rose nodded excitedly.

"You really think so, girls?" Marinette asked, glancing at them all.

"He's already in love with you, he just doesn't know it yet!" Mylene said enthusiastically, smiling. Marinette chuckled. Juleka nodded with fervor.

"Thank you," she told all of them, standing up to go. "I'll let you know how it goes!" she said as she began walking away. She hurried over to the potions lab, thankful there wasn't a class going on.

Opening her textbook, she flipped until she found the ingredients for a love potion, absentmindedly reading the warning sign at the top of the page. She had already begun to make the potion, having remembered some of the ingredients from class last week.

As she put the last ingredient in the cauldron, Marinette felt herself hesitating. Despite what her friends had said, she was still unsure about going through with it. Was that really fair to Adrien? Shouldn't he decide on his own if he was going to fall in love with her?

She sighed as she saw all the signs that her potion had turned out well, pouring it into a small vial. She didn't know if she was going to use it, but the thought of throwing it away and wasting valuable ingredients was one she quickly dismissed.

Marinette was about to close the textbook when she skimmed the page and saw another potion that caught her eye.

Marinette perked up as she read the ingredients for a truth serum, saying that whoever takes it will tell the truth about anything someone asks them for up to five minutes. She felt her heart begin to race, rinsing out her cauldron and rushing to get the correct ingredients. The teacher in the corner looked at her suspiciously, but she was determined now. She would find out how he truly felt about her first.

When Marinette had finished with the truth serum, she headed over to the student kitchen, whipping up some chocolate chip muffins. She put the truth serum in one, making sure she remembered which one, and decided that she would put the love potion in another, just in case one of her friends could use it. Maybe Alya would want to pull a prank on Nino. But as Marinette thought about it, she doubted anything would really change if Nino took the love potion.

Marinette studied spells as the muffins baked, setting aside the two magic ones when she took them out of the oven. She began to clean up, washing the dishes she'd used as she hummed a tune, feeling excited.

Alya came in, rushing over happily and standing on the other side of the kitchen island.

"Ooh, these look so good!" she said, and Marinette chuckled.

"The two in front of me are the magic ones," she told her, and Alya cocked a hip, placing a hand there.

"Two?" she asked as Marinette dried a mixing bowl.

"I decided to give him a truth serum instead, but I still made one with the love potion. I thought maybe you could play a prank on Nino," Marinette suggested, seeing the mischievous glint in Alya's eyes.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now