Day 14 - Movie Night

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Marinette was rushing around her room, trying to make sure everything was ready. They'd be arriving any minute, and she was panicking. Marinette was so used to having pictures of Adrien around her room that she overlooked many photos that she'd needed to take down. Tikki saw the ones she'd missed, thankfully.

When the doorbell rang, Marinette nearly jumped out of her socks.

"Marinette!" her mom called, and Marinette squeaked, nearly tripping over all the blankets and pillows she'd laid out.

"Have fun tonight," Tikki smiled, flying up to hide in the pillows on Marinette's bed. Marinette smiled to herself as she ran down the stairs, seeing Alya and Nino with their pillows in their hands and their pajamas on. They both looked up at her, and their smiles fell.

"Adrien is--" Alya started, and Marinette felt her heart drop.

"Not coming," Marinette finished, and she wanted to pretend that she wasn't completely disappointed. Now that Marinette knew that Adrien was Chat Noir, she wanted to believe he had the power to be anywhere at any time. But Marinette knew that wasn't true. He was still a minor and still living with his restrictive father. Marinette thought she would be used to not seeing him sometimes, but he was her partner and best friend. Not to mention her still-very-secret crush. She enjoyed spending time with him, and the truth was that she wasn't used to not seeing him anymore. She was one of the most important parts of her life.

"I was gonna say he's gonna be a little late," Alya scoffed, chuckling at Marinette's expression. She sighed out, holding her heart. She heard Nino trying not to laugh too loud as she took deep breaths.

"Thank goodness," she sighed out, laughing with them a little. "Sorry, come on up," she told them, and she waved to her mom before heading back upstairs.

"He said his old man is listening in on piano practice for a little while longer than he thought he'd be," Nino explained, and Marinette nodded. He had mentioned that the other day, she remembered.

"Make yourselves comfortable, I'm gonna put in the first movie," she announced, and grabbed Mecha Monkey vs. Cyber Shark 2, hearing Nino clear his throat. Marinette knew him all too well.

"Problem?" she joked, glancing at him as she popped the disc into her PC.

"Weren't we on the first movie?" he wondered, sounding confident. Marinette snickered, and Alya sighed.

"Don't you remember? You fell asleep and drooled all over my pillow?" she reminded him, and Marinette watched a slight tint flush over his cheeks.

"Rings a bell," he said through tight lips, adjusting his beanie. Alya let out a loud laugh as the previews started up, both of them getting comfortable as Nino pulled his beanie down over his glasses. Alya tried to tickle him to get him out, but he was holding his laughter for as long as he could.

Marinette laughed with them, glancing up at her loft subconsciously and just happening to see Plagg phase through the ceiling and join Tikki. Her heart fluttered, and she started to rush down the stairs.

"Be right back, forgot the snacks!" she called back up to her friends, knowing they probably hadn't even noticed her absence.

She pulled open the door just as Adrien was going to knock, realizing her heart was pounding loudly in her chest. He stood there with his hand in a fist to knock, a pillow in his other hand and his hair pulled back into a small ponytail.

"You're here," she breathed out, feeling herself relax. The confused but somewhat amused look he gave her made her smile, and she really wanted to hug him.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now