Day 12 - Piano Lessons

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Adrien was so excited that Marinette was finally able to come over to his house. They'd been dating for almost three months, and they'd only been able to go anywhere together outside of school once. Granted, it was the best and only first date he'd been on, but he still wished they could hang out more.

When the knock on his door made him jump, his heart started racing.

"Come in!" he called, turning to look at the door. It opened a little, and Marinette's head popped in.

"Hello," she said timidly, and Adrien stood to meet her.

"Hi, Marinette!" he said excitedly as she fully stepped into the room, closing the door. He thought her outfit was really cute, and he imagined how amazing it would be if she could come to his photoshoot with him later that day. If she modeled with him, the camera would love her a whole lot more than him, he chuckled to himself.

They kissed each other's cheeks, both blushing a little.

"I'm so happy you're here," he told her, holding her shoulders in both hands.

"I'm really glad I could come hang out with you for a little while," she smiled, glancing around his room. "It's really awesome in here." He looked around with her.

"It's only awesome when you have someone to hangout with," he said, poking her cheek playfully. She giggled, grinning up at him. He still couldn't get over how adorable she was.

"That's why I'm here, isn't it?" she teased, sticking her tongue out. He laughed a little, but then his smile dropped.

"My father is insistent that I practice piano for the entire time before my photoshoot," he sighed, glancing at the door and feeling like eyes were always on him despite how alone he felt most of the time.

"That's okay! I'll keep you company," she offered, still just as excited to be there as before. He leaned down and gave her a hug, pulling her up to him and lifting her feet off the ground slightly. She squeaked, giggling.

"What was that for?" she asked when he let her down, her cheeks rosy. The shy smile on her lips made his heart feel funny.

"You're the best, that's what," he stated absolutely, taking her hand gently and leading her towards the piano bench. They both sat down, and he sighed again, wanting to be positive, especially while Marinette was with him, but it was harder than he thought.

"How about you teach me instead?" she joked, poking the side of his thigh to get his attention and bring it back to her sunny existence. He looked over and saw that she looked like she wasn't really joking, always trying her best to help him feel better.

"If I get in trouble, it's your fault, missy," he said, tickling her side briefly. She laughed, pulling his hands away and putting them on the keys.

"I'll face the consequences," she told him, smiling at him and moving closer. He chuckled, taking her hands and placing them on the keys instead.

He started trying to teach her, being patient and not laughing at her. She was a little shy about it, tensing up when she made a mistake or squeaking when she hit a wrong note. At one point, she was reaching towards the higher end of the keys, leaning over him with her small arm, and he lost balance, falling across his thighs. Her hand crashed against the keys, a discordant sound echoing through his large room.

"Oh my gosh," she breathed, sitting back up straight and covering her face with her hands.

"It's okay, Marinette," he chuckled, putting an arm around her shoulders. She shook her head, still keeping her hands over her face. He could tell she was pouting, even if her lips were covered.

"Come out, it's okay!" he said, gently touching her wrists.

"Nooooo," she drew out, a joking lilt hidden behind her palms.

"I wanna see that pretty face," he smiled, wrapping a few fingers around the insides of her wrists gently, knowing she was slightly ticklish there. She just made a stubborn, adorable noise, and Adrien laughed breathily.

"Marinette," he called, trying to tickle her a little. "Mari," he tried, seeing a few of her fingers twitch. "Cutest girl ever," he almost whispered, bringing his face close to her's. He felt her hands start to move, and she finally revealed her face.

Her cheeks were the perfect shade of red, and as she stared at him shyly, he knew without a doubt that she really was the cutest girl ever.

It was captivating, how beautiful she was, staring at him like that. He still had a gentle hold on her wrists, and he was closer than he realized he'd gotten. The skin on her wrists was incredibly soft, and he was about to say so when he realized she was still pouting. He couldn't help but admire what a lovely shade of pink they were and how kissable they looked. How kissable she looked.

Adrien's heart was racing, but he was moving closer despite how nervous he was. Her eyes fluttered closed gently, brushing his cheeks with her eyelashes like a whisper. He let his eyes fall closed as well, her gentle and expectant breath tickling his lips.

Just then, his bedroom door opened without a knock. Both of them pulled away quickly, turning around to see Nathalie at the threshold of the room.

"Your father requested that I keep watch on you," she started, glancing at the two of them. "To make sure you're practicing your piano," she finished, stepping into the room and closing the door. She came to stand a few paces away from the piano, and the two teens were tense as they turned back to the piano.

Adrien placed his hands back on the keys shakily, still blushing. His face only got hotter when Marinette reached up to kiss his cheek, giggling to herself. He could only stare, wide-eyed, at the piano keys and let his cheeks get redder and redder.

And despite the looks Nathalie gave him for the rest of the day, Adrien could only think of Marinette and her shy eyes when she'd pulled her hands away. If he was a mess after seeing her like that, he was in trouble.

The best kind of trouble.


these two are everything omg i love them

thank you for reading! let me know what you thought <3

happy easter! 

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now