Day 8 - Hair Down

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Adrien walked out of the school, finally finished with fencing for the day. He glanced around for his bodyguard's car, not seeing it at the curb like he usually did. Checking the time, he realized they'd ended practice earlier than usual.

He was about to sit down on the steps of the school to wait when he looked at the bottom of the stairs to see Marinette. His heart skipped a beat, heading off on a sprint when it started back up again.

Adrien didn't know if it was the setting sun, the spring air, or just her, but he never seemed to be able to take his eyes off of her. Knowing she was his Lady had something to do with of course, but Marinette was beautiful without the mask.

And that day, she truly took his breath away. She'd let her hair down, like she usually did after school, but for some reason it took him by surprise all over again. He felt like his heart had jumped into his throat.

"Hey, Adrien," she called, waving leisurely at him. He let his fencing bag fall from his shoulder, setting it on the ground as he began to descend the steps to meet her.

"Hey there, Bugaboo," he smiled, unable to help himself. He stepped down to meet her, happy to see her smile in return. "You look especially beautiful today." He still loved to make her blush, and seeing the gentle glow in her cheeks that day especially could've knocked him out.

"You already told me that at school today," she teased, placing a hand on her hip. The way she stared up at him, now more comfortable around him, made his smile even wider.

"I don't want you to forget," he said, and she chuckled.

"Well, thank you. But I came here to talk to you," she stated, glancing around to check that no one was listening.

"What's up?" he asked, and she stepped closer, once again making his heart stutter.

"I wanna go on patrol tonight. I know I said we didn't need to, but I just have a bad feeling," she spoke quietly, still locked in eye contact with him. She must have noticed his blush, beginning to blush again herself. "Is th-that okay?"

"Uh, yeah!" he chuckled as she backed up to her previous distance. As much as he loved being so close to her, it wasn't a usual occurrence. He couldn't help himself from thinking about holding her hand or touching her waist or even just hugging her as more than a polite gesture. It wasn't that he didn't respect her request to remain friends for the time being because he did, but he couldn't help how much he loved her. He didn't want to.

"I'm sure everything will be okay, Mari," he smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She smiled up at him again, sighing out.

"I hope so, Adrien," she told him. He felt her hair brush against his hand, realizing how soft it was. He'd always imagined that it would be soft, but he'd never been able to touch it.

"I really like your hair down," he told her gently, his hand still lingering on her shoulder. She tried not to blush, but he could tell. She wasn't able to hide it very well.

"Thank you," she replied, looking up at him through her eyelashes. He moved his hand to take a strand of hair and feel it, blushing intensely when he saw her own rosy cheeks.

"I, um," he stuttered, moving to let go but hesitating. "May I?" He watched her as she took her bottom lip in between her teeth nervously, nodding slowly. He felt short of breath.

Adrien raised his hand again to her hair, taking another strand and letting his fingers run to the end, placing the strand gently back on her shoulder. Her hair had gotten longer, reaching further down her back.

He found himself mesmerized, finding the courage to run his whole hand through her hair near her ear, gently pulling it away to glance at her earrings, her Miraculous. He couldn't believe how spectacular she was just as Marinette. He couldn't believe it.

Without really thinking, his right hand reached up to the other side of her head, and he let his fingers run through her hair again. He wasn't counting how many times both his hands ran through the length of her hair, but before he knew it, he was gently holding her face instead.

He was stroking her cheeks, feeling how her warm blush had painted its way onto her incredibly soft skin. Her blue eyes bore into his, his thumbs reaching to the corners of her eyes and making her blink quickly. He watched her long eyelashes brush her skin, her stare coming right back to match his.

He glanced down to her lips, feeling her gentle breath on his. He let his thumb run over her bottom lip, hearing a quiet hitch in her breathing. He didn't know lips could be so soft, brushing over them once more.

Adrien hadn't meant to get so close, even though feeling her soft lips with his own was almost all he could think about. He wanted to respect her, but when he realized he was doing a crappy job of that, he gently pulled away. He took note of the blush that had spread to the tips of her ears and down into her shoulders.

"I-I'm sorry," he tried to say, his words coming out in a whisper. She was still locked in eye contact with him, and he watched as she smiled shyly.

"I'll see you tonight," she spoke quietly, letting her gentle smile say her goodbyes. He watched as she walked across the street to the bakery, turning to see his steady gaze just before disappearing through the door.

He pressed his hand to his cheek, feeling how warm it was. He couldn't believe how flustered he got around her. Or what she'd just allowed him to do. He felt guilty for invading her space and making her so nervous.

That night on patrol, Marinette let her hair stay down as Ladybug too, and the look she gave him told him that maybe she hadn't hated his hands in her hair as much as he'd thought. 


this one killed me, y'all. ive never written a post reveal pre relationship oneshot before but i LOVED writing this one 

let me know what you thought! thank you for reading! 

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now